As a prerequisite to using the iGPS managed solution, iJoin will first need to license your account for the iGPS/PIMCO methodology.
If you do not see “PIMCO CUBE” or “PIMCO Cube With Annuity” listed among your MAP methodology options, contact [email protected] and our Support team will license your account for this solution.
Once your iJoin account has been licensed for the iGPS/PIMCO solution, as an iJoin user with administrative rights, you will need to go through the process of setting up iGPS as a managed account provider that can be assigned out to the applicable plans in your system.
Relius Setup
IMPORTANT: When using iGPS as a managed solution, you MUST associate the following investments with the applicable plans in your recordkeeping system exactly as listed below. Failure to have these CUSIP values loaded for the plan will result in an inability to activate your plan for enrollment.
Fund Name | Share Class Name | CUSIP |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2025 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L859 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2030 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L842 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2035 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L834 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2040 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L826 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2045 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L818 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2050 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L792 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2055 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L784 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2060 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L776 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend 2065 Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L610 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend Income Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L867 |
PIMCO REALPATH Blend Completion Collective Trust | iGPS Class | 72203L768 |
Disable Plan Web Election Change settings for the PIMCO REALPATH funds
For all accounts associated with the PIMCO funds listed above, direct election changes via the participant web are not allowed. To enforce this rule in Relius:
- Navigate to Plan Specs > Account Summary to display the current source/fund account list
- Double-click on one of the accounts containing the applicable PIMCO funds to bring up the modify account form.
- Make sure Allow investment election changes is checked
- once checked the “Do not allow investment election change via the participant web” will be available to select.
- Select Do not allow investment election changes via the participant web and click Modify
- This is a required option for all accounts that use this investment.
- After clicking Modify the system will display a pop up asking if you want to change this option for all accounts that use this investment. Click Yes. These settings will be automatically brought over to the iJoin system via the next Plan Sync.
Relius Plan Web Transfer Settings for the PIMCO REALPATH Product
For all accounts that include the PIMCO REALPATH Funds, direct fund-to-fund transfer requests via the participant web are not allowed.
- Navigate to Plan Specs > Processing > Transaction Settings> Transfers to display the transfer settings for the current Source/fund account list
- For one of the rows displaying an account using the PIMCO REALPATH funds select No transfers (in or out) from the Web Transfer Restrictions drop-down selection list
- For one of the rows displaying an account using the PIMCO REALPATH funds select No transfers (in or out) from the Web Transfer Restrictions drop-down selection list
- The system will display the Modify Investment Transfer Restriction popup form
- Click Yes to copy the setting to all funds including the PIMCO REALPATH funds.
- Click Yes to copy the setting to all funds including the PIMCO REALPATH funds.
iJoin Setup
Setting up the iGPS MAP Provider in iJoin
- Navigate to the Settings tab on the left of your screen.
- Select Managed Accounts
- Select the Create Provider button.
- Enter the Provider Name.
- This will appear when selecting a Program Provider for a plan and on Personal Retirement Picture reports for participants.
- This will appear when selecting a Program Provider for a plan and on Personal Retirement Picture reports for participants.
- If you intend to use the iGPS otpion that does not include a lifetime income component, choose the PIMCO CUBE Methodology from the Investment Methodology dropdown.
- If you intend to use the iGPS option that includes the Allianz guaranteed lifetime income component, choose the PIMCO With Annuity methodology option.
- If these options are not available under your account, please contact customer support via [email protected]
- Enter any relevant Fee Disclosure Messages that will be displayed to the participant inside the iJoin enrollment experience. What you configure here will be displayed exactly as entered.
- Enter the iGPS provider Logo.
- Setup of funds on the Provider level is not required for either the PIMCO or PIMCO with Annuity methodology options. SEE MESSAGE ABOVE REGARDING THE REQUIRED PIMCO CUSIPS THAT WILL NEED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH EACH RELEVANT PLAN.
- Check the Complete provider setup and enable for use box.
- Select Save.
- A confirmation of a successful save will be displayed.
- Your iGPS Provider will now be available in the Managed Account Program setup drop down in a plan’s Investments Paths.
Completing the iJoin Plan Setup
Open the applicable plan and navigate to the Experience Setup tab. Ensure the plan is enabled for the ENROLL feature and that the plan is in a Draft mode for editing the following settings:
- Set the Experience Type to “Managed Account Recommendation”.
- On the Investment Path page, within the Managed Account Path section click the Modify button to assign the applicable iGPS provider that is to be associated with the plan.
- If you intend to use the iGPS managed solution as QDIA, toggle the “Use MAP as Default Investment” option to ON.