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How to Generate a Suitability Report

The suitability report provides a bubble chart depiction of participant equity exposure when hypothetically placed within a personalized managed account portfolio versus a target date fund.

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Assumptions and Disclaimers

The Assumptions and Disclaimers information appears on the last page of the Participant Enrollment report that is emailed when Participant-directed...

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Set Up MAP as QDIA

You are now able to set up a new or existing Managed Account Program (MAP) as your Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA) through the iJoin portal.

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Set Up iGPS Managed Accounts

Once your iJoin account has been licensed for the iGPS/PIMCO solution, as an iJoin user with administrative rights, you will need to go through the process of setting up iGPS as a managed account provider that can be assigned out to the applicable plans in your system.

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What is the Managed Account Program (MAP)?

MAP Enroll allows iJoin to automatically map and re-allocate Plan Participants to the most suitable managed portfolio based on their current circumstances and from their information pulled from Relius.

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Set Up & Create Managed Account Fees

As an administrator within the iJoin portal, you have the ability to generate participant level fee reports that will calculate the applicable fees for those that are in a managed account. The reports can be run for…

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Relius Managed Accounts Settings for Participants

iJoin’s managed account solution works with Relius functionality to track a participant’s managed account status. This will prevent participants with managed accounts from making their own investment elections/transfers on the web until they opt-out of the managed account.

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iJoin Enrollment Process

This video, “Understanding iJoin Enrollment,” is an overview of the iJoin enrollment experience. It walks the viewer through the step-by-step process and is intended to be used as an implementation guide.

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Introduction to iJoin’s Partner Dashboard

This video, “Quick iJoin Overview for Advisors,” is an introduction to iJoin’s partner dashboard. It highlights plan and participant data analytics, success metrics, and customizable email messaging campaign capabilities.

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Set Up Sponsor and Payroll Notifications

To ensure the appropriate contacts are notified when participants execute changes such as to contribution rates or beneficiaries, you will need to enable Notifications for each plan.

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Setting Up Allianz In Plan Annuities

iJoin provides the ability for In-Plan annuities to be offered via the participant enrollment and post enrollment experiences. This offering requires the following plan level set up within your Relius recordkeeping system as well and iJoin Administrative Portal.

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Allianz Annuity FAQ

View or Download the Allianz Annuity FAQ document below:https://s3.amazonaws.com/ijoin.customer.logos/FAQ+Placeholder/AllianzFAQRK.pdf

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Finicity Account Aggregation

Finicity is a Mastercard company that offers certain open banking solutions to connect financial data easily. It gives people the ability to access, control, and share their financial data with banks, lenders, or fintechs.

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What Is EXPLORE? iJoin Explore is a new extension of the participant experience that engages users to take steps towards long term financial...

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Finicity FAQ

What does iJoin do with login credentials for the linked accounts? iJoin does not store login credentials we link to Finicity directly to pull the...

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Set Up Explore Modules

Once your iJoin account is licensed for EXPLORE, you can enable this feature across any number of plans in your system. When enabled for a plan, the functionality becomes an integrated component of your iJoin user experience without the need to install or maintain an additional product.

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Activate A Plan For Enrollment

Once all edits have been made to the Plan through Experience Setup, Investment Paths and Notifications, it is time to Activate the Plan to enable Enrollment.

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Add New Plans

Start by signing into the Advisor Portal. The Dashboard screen will be displayed.

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Set Up Plan in Relius

The following serves as the minimum setup required in Relius in order be able to sync a plan to the iJoin platform.

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Set Up Investment Paths

The Enrollment Experience Type selected for the Plan on the Plan Settings / Plan Defaults tab will determine the Investment Path Options that are available to the Plan and to the Participants on the Enrollment site.

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Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process by making it harder for attackers to gain access to a person’s devices or online accounts because knowing the victim’s password alone is not enough to pass the authentication check.

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