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Relius Managed Accounts Settings for Participants

Last updated on June 10, 2024

iJoin’s managed account solution works with Relius functionality to track a participant’s managed account status. This will prevent participants with managed accounts from making their own investment elections/transfers on the web until they opt-out of the managed account. The steps to enable the functionality and the participant messaging within your Relius Administration System are below. The Relius system also provides the ability to designate certain investments as only being available within a managed account and therefore not accessible for a participant’s self-direction. Instructions for this type of setup have also been provided in the content below.

Managed Account Participant tracking functionality

For each plan that is offering an iJoin-facilitated managed account solution, go to Plan Specs ➔ Managed Account Services and configure the settings as follows:

1. Managed account provider iJoin
2. Data go-live date Current Date or any Prior Date
3. Plan go-live date Current Date or any Prior Date
4. Decommission date Leave Blank
5. Provide an opt out period of 0 days
6. Enroll participants…. Unchecked
7. Update Participants DO NOT click this button

The above settings ensure each time a participant enrolls in or opts out of the plan’s managed account solution via iJoin. iJoin will automatically send a value to Relius marking a participant as managed or opted out.

Best Practices/Relius Web Customization

There are options available within the Relius custom text utility that will help provide a better user experience as it relates to managed accounts within your Relius web offering. See below for instructions on how to implement these various web customizations.

Participant Dashboard

There is a custom text placeholder atop the Participant Dashboard of the Relius Participant web UX that provides an opportunity for you to create awareness around the availability of a managed account solution for a given plan. This is also an ideal space to make participants aware of an open re-enrollment period that involves MAP as a new QDIA option. This is a preferred option for re-enrollments in that it provides a straightforward way for participants to review their existing information, plug in outside assets, etc. and make their MAP opt-in/out election.

In any scenario, this custom text space can provide a button that allows the user to SSO into the iJoin enrollment experience. Below are the relevant custom text elements/nodes that will need to be setup on the plan or plan group level to result in a display similar to the following:

Custom Text:

Area Node Default Value Change to:
Participant Dashboard iJoinSummaryOpt N Y
Participant Dashboard iJoinSummaryTxt Your preferred display text. For example: “Your plan is now in an open Re-Enrollment” OR “You now have a managed account option available to you”
Participant Dashboard
iJoinSummaryLink /planSelect /planSelect
Common IJOINBTNCREATEMYSTRATEGY CREATE MY STRATEGY Change this only if you want the button to be presented as something other than ‘Create My Strategy’ (ie. SEE MY OPTIONS)

Restricting Investment Management by Managed Users

Modifying the default messaging to alert users they will not be able to change investments until they opt-out of the managed account service via ijoin.

To Modify the default messaging navigate to the Relius Custom Text Utility and the below Areas/Nodes to update the Default Text:


Area Node Default Value Change To:
MANAGEINVESTMENTS LBLPARTMNGACCTMSG Your account is currently being managed by Preferred Text
MANAGEINVESTMENTS LBLPARTMNGACCTMSG2 Your management company will make any necessary transfer, rebalancing, and investment election transactions to your account. If you have any questions please contact your account management company. Preferred Text
COMMON APNAMEOVERRIDE IJOIN Change this to the name of the relevant managed account provider for the plan or plan group (ie. iGPS, or LeafHouse)

Disable Web Election Change Settings for Managed Investments

Utilize the following instructions for scenarios in which certain segments of investments are only intended to be used within a managed account strategy and therefore not made available for participant self-direction on the web or within the iJoin experience:

  • Navigate to Plan Specs > Account Summary to display the current source/fund account list
    • Double-click on one of the accounts containing the investment that is to be excluded from self-direction
    • Make sure Allow investment election changes is checked
      • Once checked the Do not allow investment election change via the participant web will be available to select
    • Select Do not allow investment election changes via the participant web and click Modify
      • This is a required option for all accounts that use this investment
  • After clicking Modify, the system will display a pop up asking if you want to change this option for all accounts that use this investment. Click Yes.

Be sure to run a Plan Sync from the iJoin system in order to sync these investment level settings for the applicable plan.

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