Notifications are triggered when a Participant-directed change is made on the Enrollment site.
Notifications are sent for activities including completing enrollment, a deferral or allocation change and / or when a beneficiary change is made. The Notification reports are sent in an email to Plan Contacts and contain file attachments. The email contents and recipients can be customized for each Notification on an as needed basis.
Note: For Relius, with the exception of the Primary Advisor email address, the email address information used in Notifications for the Plan Contacts is created in the Contact Management System of Relius. Relius sends the contact email address information for Primary Administrator, Employer / Sponsor and Primary Plan Contact to iJoin during a Plan Sync. For more information on Plan Contact setup in Relius see Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius.
If changes are made to the contact information in the recordkeeping system after the Plan is setup in iJoin, a manual Plan Sync is required to bring the updated contact information into iJoin for Notifications to be sent successfully. For more information on Plan Sync, see Process Plan and Participant Syncs
The sent Notifications and their statuses can be viewed in Activity Monitor. The option to reprocess sent Notifications is also available in Activity Monitor. For more information on Notification statuses and reprocessing see Monitor Activity.
To Add Notifications to the Plan, see Add New Notifications above.
To Copy Notification templates, see Copy Notification Templates above.
To Manage Plan Associations, see Manage Plan Associations above.
To Archive a Notification or Template, see Archive Notifications above.
Notifications Settings
Notifications are created and modified in the Settings / Notifications tab. The Notification templates provided by iJoin are setup as defaults for All Plans to utilize during Plan Setup on Plan Details. These templates can be edited, copied or new Notifications can be created based on specific Plan needs.
Edit Notifications
Plan Settings / Notifications tab
1. Select the Notification Name template to edit and click the Actions drop down menu. Select Edit Notification.
2. View the Notification details in the Edit Notification screen.
3. Make changes to the Notification template as needed.
3.1 Notification Name – Edit or Name the Notification
3.2 Event Trigger – Select the trigger event from the drop-down.
3.3 Plan Associations – Choose which Plans should use this Notification by selecting All Plans or Select Plans. Note: These are iJoin enabled Plans which are Active in iJoin.
3.2.1 To Select Plans, click the Select Plans box then click the Select Plans hyperlink. Select which Plan(s) to use this Notification by checking the Plan box(es). Click Save & Close.
4. File Attachments – Select the File Attachments to send in the Notification by sliding the toggle switch(es) to On.
4.1 Other Files can be attached to the Notifications as needed. Slide the Other Files toggle switch to On then attach the file. (File format .PDF)
5. Email Recipients – Select the Recipients for the Notification(s) by clicking on the check boxes.
NOTE: The full email address for each recipient must exist in iJoin on the Plan Details / Contacts tab for the Notification(s) to send with a Successful status.
Note: iJoin collects Relius Plan contact information from the information stored in the Contact Management System and marked as the Primary for Administrator, Employer / Sponsor and Plan Contact. The Primary Advisor email address is located in iJoin on the Plan Details / Contacts tab and can be changed in iJoin on the Plan Settings / Profile tab.
For more information on setting up Notification recipients in Relius see Setup Plan Contacts in Relius.
Note: A Plan Sync is required to send updated Contact Management System information to iJoin. Also see Setup Plan Notifications below for more information.
5.1 If Other Recipient(s) are to be included on this Notification, check the Other Recipients box and enter the full email address(es), separate each email address with a comma (,).
6. Enter the Email Details – Enter the Sender’s Name to appear on the Notification email.
7. Enter the Reply To Email Address to appear on the Notification email.
8. Enter the Subject Line text to appear on the Notification email.
9. Enter the Email Body text you would like to appear in the body of the Notification email by clicking the Edit Email Body button.
10. Use the Placeholders drop down menu to assist with the formatting of the email body, if desired.
11. Continue to format / create the email body for the Notification.
12. Once the email body is completed, click Save & Close.
13. Any updates made to the Notification(s) Settings are auto saved.
14. Repeat the Edit Notification steps above to Edit or Modify the rest of the default Notification templates.
Copy Notifications
Use the Copy Notification feature to make a copy of an existing Notification template. Copying the existing template will allow edits or modifications to be made to the file attachments, email recipients and the email details / message text as needed.
Plan Settings / Notifications tab
1. Select the Notification Name template to copy and click the Actions drop down menu. Select Copy.
2. Rename the copied Notification in the Notification Name field.
3. The copied and renamed Notification is displayed and enabled for edits. View the copied Notification details in the Edit Notification screen. Make edits or modifications to the copied Notification as needed. Repeat steps 3-14 in Edit Notifications above.
4. Repeat the Copy Notification steps above to Copy / Edit or Modify any of the other default Notification templates.
Manage Plan Associations
The iJoin Notification templates default to All Plans to use during Plan Setup. Use the Manage Plan Associations feature to manage which Plans are associated with each template, copied template or for any new Notifications.
Plan Settings / Notifications tab
1. Select the Notification Name to Manage Plans for and click the Actions drop down menu. Select Manage Plan Associations.
2. When All Plans are selected in the Plan Associations field on the Notification, the message box will display “This Notification is applied to all plans”.
2.1 If this is not the intended Plan Association, use Edit Notification above then choose which Plans to associate in the Select Plans field. You can also make a Copy of the existing Notification template then edit the Select Plans field for a specific Plan if needed.
3. When Selected Plans is selected in the Plan Associations field on the Notification, the message box will display the list of Plans selected for the Notification.
3.1 If the Plan Association is not correct, deselect the Plan(s) by clicking the Plan Name check box. Click Save & Close.
4. Any changes made to the Manage Plan Associations feature as auto saved.
Archive Notification
Use the Archive Notification feature to Archive Notifications that are no longer in use or no longer needed. This feature is also helpful to clean up the list of Notifications on the Settings tab. The Notification(s) cannot be Archived if they are in use by any Plans. Once Archived, the Notification is no longer available to use, edit or copy.
Plan Settings / Notifications tab
1. Select the Notification Name to Archive and click the Actions drop down menu. Select Archive Notification.
2. A message will display to confirm the Archive Notification request. Click Yes.
2.1 Note: If Plans are using the Notification to be Archived, you must first deselect the Plan(s) from the Manage Plan Associations feature, see Manage Plan Associations above.
3. The Notification is Archived and no longer available for Plans to use.
Create New Notifications
Create new Notifications to customize the Notifications for your Plans or for specific Plan(s) to use.
Plan Settings / Notifications tab
1. Click Create New Notification.
2. Name the new Notification in the Notification Name field then click OK.
3. The User is brought to the Edit Notification screen. To Edit the new Notification, follow the steps for Edit Notification above.
4. Any changes made to the Edit Notifications fields are auto saved.
5. Repeat Edit Notifications steps above to create New Notifications as needed.
Set Up Plan Notifications
Plan Details / Contacts tab
The Plan Details / Contacts tab should include the Plan Contact email addresses for the Recipients selected to receive the Notification(s).
1. The Primary Advisor email address is created and updated in iJoin in the Plan Settings / Profile tab.
Note: If updates or changes are needed to the Other Plan Contact email addresses, the email address updates should be made in Relius in the Contact Management System for the Primary Plan Administrator, Employer / Sponsor and or Primary Plan Contact. Save the changes. For more information on setting up Other Plan Contacts see Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius
2. A Plan Sync is then required to send the updated recordkeeper Plan Contact information to iJoin. For more information on Plan Sync see Process Plan and Participant Syncs
Plan Details / Notifications tab
The Notifications that are enabled for the Plan on the Plan Details / Notifications tab are based on the ‘All Plans’ Notification settings created in the Plan Settings / Notifications tab. The Notification selections can be edited, modified or customized per Plan.
Note: Notifications can be changed on a Plan in any status.
1. The lock icon indicates which Notifications are enable for the Plan.
2. The option to exclude the Plan from the All Plans Notifications settings is available by clicking the check box.
2.1 Once the exclude Plan from Notifications settings box is checked, the option to select the specific Notifications for the Plan is available by clicking the Notification Name(s) to send for this Plan.
2.2 If Notifications should not be sent for this Plan, leave all the check boxes for each Notification unchecked.
3. If the All Plans Notifications settings should be used for this Plan, the lock icon stays displayed for each Notification name.
4. To preview the Notifications, click the Preview button. The User is brought to the Settings / Notifications tab.
4.1 Make Edits to the existing Notification(s) as needed. See Setup Notifications, Edit Notification above.
5. Once Notifications are selected / enabled, the Plan will use these Notifications when Participant-directed activities occur on the Enrollment site.
6. Any changes made to the Notifications on the Plan are auto saved.
Manage Notifications
The option to Manage Notifications on the Plan during setup is available.
Plan Details / Notifications tab.
1. To Manage Notifications, click the Manage Notifications button. The User is brought back to the Settings / Notifications tab.
2. See the steps for Edit, Copy, Archive and Manage Plan Associations for Notification Settings above.
Notification(s) Status
Once the Plan is Active, the sent Notifications and their statuses can be viewed in Activity Monitor.
Note: Notification recipients without email addresses in iJoin will result in an Error status on Activity Monitor and will not be sent. In this case, the intended recipient email address information should be resolved in the recordkeeping system, followed by a Plan Sync.
For more information on reviewing Notification statuses see Monitor Activity
Reprocess Notifications
The option to reprocess a sent Notification is available in the Activity Monitor.
For more information on reprocessing Notification(s) see Monitor Activity