


ijoin Success Hub



User Support

Set Up MAP as QDIA

Last updated on December 16, 2024

You are now able to set up a new or existing Managed Account Program (MAP) as your Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA) through the iJoin portal. 

Navigate to your plan via the Plan Summary screen and select the plan you are setting up MAP as QDIA on.

Navigate to Experience Setup

Select Create Draft to put the plan in draft status

Under Enrollment User Experience you will see a drop down for Experience Type

Select Managed Account Recommendation

Navigate to Investment Paths and you will see the option to Use MAP as Default Investment

Toggle to On

Navigate to the Activation tab and activate your changes

Daily Scheduled Task

To place new participants and any existing participants without affirmative investment elections into the QDIA, A task for the Identify New MAP Program Entrants scheduled task will need to be set up

Navigate to the Activity section of iJoin and select Task Scheduling

Select Schedule New Task from the upper right section of the screen

This will bring up the Task Scheduling screen.

Task Type: Identify New Map Program Entrants

Status: On

Frequency: Choose one Daily( Recommended), Weekly, Monthly, Specific Date

*Desired Processing Time: Select the time you want the task to run

Plans: All MAP as QDIA plans or Select Plans

The Identify New MAP Program Entrants job can me monitored in the Activity Monitor screen

To view who was picked up select the Successful hyperlink from the Status Column

Any participant in this summary should have a corresponding record in the iJoin Submission log and the plans Recordkeeping system

This will confirm MAP as QDIA is set up and running successfully

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