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Set Up “Managed Only” Investments (aka Sidecars)

Last updated on November 20, 2023

Relius Disable Plan Web Election Change settings for “Managed Only” Investments

In scenarios where certain investments are only to be permitted inside of managed accounts and NOT made made available for self-direction, the following settings will need to be put in place on the Relius system:

Navigate to Plan Specs > Account Summary to display the current source/fund account list

  • Double-click on one of the accounts containing the relevant investment to bring up the modify account form
  • Make sure Allow investment election changes is checked
    • once checked the “Do not allow investment election change via the participant web” option will be available to select.
  • Select Do not allow investment election changes via the participant web and click Modify
    • This is a required option for all accounts that use this investment.
  • After clicking Modify the system will display a pop up asking if you want to change this option for all accounts that use this investment. Click Yes

These settings will ensure that participants cannot self-direct into the designated investments via Relius participant web OR iJoin, however the investments will be eligible for allocations inside of a managed account.

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