Setup Managed Account Providers to be used in your Plans
The Managed Account Providers are setup and edited from the Settings tab.
- Navigate to the Settings tab and select Managed Accounts
Add a new Managed Account Provider
1. Select the Create Provider button.
- Enter the Provider Name to be displayed for the MAP program. This will appear within the Advisor portal and within the Personal Retirement Picture reports that are generated for the plan.
- Select the MAP Investment Methodology to be used for the provider from the available list under the Investment Methodology dropdown.
- Note messaging presented for the number of required investments for the selected methodology.
2. If applicable to the selected methodology, select Add Funds button to establish the investments to be utilized for the MAP provider.
- Enter the investment name and select the search icon. Select the investment from the list presented.
- Enter a Target Rate of Return if one is not present.
- Enter a Risk Description to be displayed for the investment.
- Select the Save button.
- Repeat process until all Investments have been added for the provider.
- Select the Actions button to either Edit or Delete previously saved Investments for the provider.
- Select the ‘Complete provider setup and enable for use’ checkbox and select the Save button when you have completed the provider setup. The Managed Account Provider is now available for Plans to utilize.
Edit an existing Managed Account Provider
- Navigate to the Settings tab and select Managed Accounts
1. To delete a Managed Account Provider (MAP), select Delete from the Actions dropdown for the provide.
- You cannot delete a MAP provider if that provider is selected as the provider in any plan(s). You must first modify the individual Plan(s) to a new MAP provider.
2. To modify a Managed Account Provider, select Edit from the Actions dropdown for the provider.
- Selecting Edit will pop-up the Provider Setup page where you may be allowed to make modifications.
- At top of page, you will see the status for the provider. This status will drive what edit actions you can take.
- You can always modify the Provider Name.
- You can always modify the investment details.
- You cannot modify the following if a provider is tied to a Plan(s).
- Investment Methodology
- Delete Investments
- Add Investments