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Set Up Investment Paths

Last updated on November 08, 2022

The Enrollment Experience Type selected for the Plan on the Plan Settings / Plan Defaults tab will determine the Investment Path Options that are available to the Plan and to the Participants on the Enrollment site.

Plan Settings / Plan Defaults

When iJoin Standard (Investment Paths) is selected, the following Investment Path Options are available:

  •   Default Investment
  •   Manage It For Me
  •   Help Me Choose
  •   Choose Myself

When Managed Account Recommendation is selected, the following Investment Path Options are available:

  •   Manage It For Me
  •   Choose Myself

For more information on Experience Type see What Is Enrollment Experience Type?

Setup Investment Path Options (iJoin Standard – Investment Paths)

Set Up Investment Path Options (iJoin Standard – Investment Paths)

1. From Plan Summary, select the Plan then select the Investment Paths tab from Experience Setup.

2. Under the Investment Path Options section, the available Investment Paths for the Plan are available to edit. If the Plan is Active, click Create Draft to make changes to the Investment Path Options. For more information on draft Plan status see Create A Draft Plan.

3. Select the Investment Path Options by changing the selection for each Investment Path toggle switches to On or Off. At least one Investment Path must be selected for a Plan.

Default Investment

This path includes the Plan default funds / Target Date funds as designated on the recordkeeping system, such as Relius. The fund(s) have an allocation of 100% and a Retirement Date range. When this path is selected, the Participant sees the single fund that has been selected for the Plan / path on the Enrollment site.

The option to Never populate this path with data from the RK system is presented when the toggle switch for the Default Investment path is in an Off position. Select this box to 1. avoid the default funds designated for the Plan from being brought over and 2. avoid the Default Investment path from being automatically turned on during a Plan Sync.

1. To select this path, toggle the switch to On.

2. Click the Add Fund button.

3. Use the drop down menu to filter the fund selection list by Funds for this Plan only or All Funds for your Organization. Note: If new funds have been added to the Plan in the recordkeeping system, a Plan Sync is required to bring the funds into iJoin for the Default Investment path. See Process Plan and Participant Syncs

4. Search for the fund in the Search Funds field by typing the name of the fund or Ticker then click the Search icon.

5. Add the Estimated Rate of ReturnRetirement Start Date and Retirement End Date for the fund then click Save.

  • Start / End Dates are entered as MM/DD/YYYY format and converted to text after successful entry of a date.

6. The selected fund is displayed on the Default Investment Path.

7. Use the Actions drop down menu to Edit or Remove fund(s) in this path.

8. Add additional funds to this path using the Add Fund button and be sure to enter the Estimated Rate of ReturnRetirement Start Date and Retirement End Date for each.

Note: The Retirement Start Date and Retirement End Dates cannot overlap or create a date gap. If this occurs, an error icon will be displayed on the fund(s) to be resolved.

9. In order for the Participant to see the Default option on the Enrollment site, make sure the path stays On.

10. An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Investment Path Options fields are changed. The draft Plan edits are not visible on the Enrollment site until you click the Activation button.

Note: The assumed Retirement age is 67 when determining the designated fund for the participant.

Manage It For Me

When this path is selected, Participants are automatically mapped and reallocated to the most suitable managed portfolio based on their current circumstances and the information pulled from the recordkeeping system. The Managed Account investments, including LDIndex Funds, must be added to recordkeeping system prior to setting up the Managed Account Path.

Note: The Managed Account Provider must be set up in iJoin prior to activating Manage It For Me path within a Plan. For information on setting up and maintaining a Managed Account Provide see Set Up Managed Account Providers.

1. To select this path, toggle the Manage It For Me switch to On.

2.  Choose the Setup button to continue the setup.

  • Choose the provider from the Program Provider dropdown. The providers in the dropdown would have been previously established in the Settings>Managed Account tab.
  • Select Save.
  • See note in popup for need to set up the MAP Re-analysis notification.

3.  The Investments set up for that Provider will be auto populated. You can modify the selected Provider by choosing the Modify button.

Help Me Choose

When this path is selected, the Participant answers a set of predetermined Risk Tolerance Questions on the Enrollment site to determine which Funds / Investment Categories to place them in.

iJoin provides a default survey for all Plans to use or a new Risk Tolerance Questionnaire (RTQ) can be set up in the Plan Settings / RTQ tab.

1. To select this path, toggle the switch to On.

Note: For set up information on the RTQ options below, Set Up A Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

2. Select the Risk Tolerance Questionnaire to use from the drop-down menu.

3. Set up the Categories.

4. Set up the Funds.

Choose Myself

When this path is selected, the Plan funds from the recordkeeping system are available. Funds can be removed or added as needed. When this path is selected, the Participant enters their allocation percentages for each fund selection on the Enrollment site.

1. To select this path, toggle the switch to On.

2. The funds available are displayed with the fund details URLs from the recordkeeping system.

3. Click the Remove button to remove any funds you do not want to make available for this path on the Enrollment site. Note: The fund is immediately deleted from the path when Removed.

4. Click the Add Funds button to add additional funds to the path as needed.

4.1. Enter the fund name or Ticker in the Search Funds field and click the Search icon. Note: If new funds have been added to the Plan in the recordkeeping system, a Plan Sync is required to bring the funds into iJoin for the Choose Myself path. See Process Plan and Participant Syncs

5. Clicking Save will add the fund to this path.

6. An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Investment Path Options fields are changed on a Plan in draft status. The draft Plan edits are not visible on the Enrollment site until you click the Activation button.

For more information on draft Plan status see Create A Draft Plan.

Set Up Investment Path Options (Managed Account Recommendation)

1. From Plan Summary, select the Plan then select the Investment Paths tab from Experience Setup.

2. Under the Investment Path Options section, the available Investment Paths for the Plan are available to edit. If the Plan is Active, click Create Draft to make changes to the Investment Path Options. For more information on draft Plan status see Create A Draft Plan.

3. The Investment Path Options are preestablished and the toggle is set to On for the Manage It For Me path and the Choose Myself path.

4.  For Choose Myself path setup, see the corresponding section within iJoin Standard – Investment Paths for details.

5.  For Manage It For Me:

  •  Provider Setup follows the corresponding section within iJoin Standard – Investment Paths for details.
  •  Adding the provider to a Plan will also follow the within iJoin Standard – Investment Paths for details, with the exception of the setup of Automatic Re-Enrollment.
  • The toggle will be set to ‘Off’ on initial display. If the plan wants to do an automatic Re-Enrollment, then flip the toggle to ‘On’ and enter the desired date parameters, check the acknowledgment, and select Save button.

Note: The Plan has to be in a draft status to make any changes/selections to the Investment Path Options. Click Create Draft if you are changing Investment Path Options on an active Plan.

For more information on draft Plan status see Create A Draft Plan.

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