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User Support

Set Up Explore Modules

Last updated on August 11, 2023

Once your iJoin account is licensed for EXPLORE, you can enable this feature across any number of plans in your system. When enabled for a plan, the functionality becomes an integrated component of your iJoin user experience without the need to install or maintain an additional product.

To setup Explore features on your plans:

When a plan is opened, select Experience Setup.

  • Toggle the Enable Plan for iJoin EXPLORE to ‘On’.
  • The ‘Explore Modules’ tab appears in the left column.
  •  Select Explore Modules tab
  • The Explore Module Setup Menu is presented.
  • Toggle to ‘On’ any desired Module.

Note: You can establish Explore settings across multiple plans at one time by going to Settings/Batch Update and selecting the applicable fields for updating.

Setting up Explore Modules

Financial Coach

Provides the ability for the participant to schedule one-on-one meetings with a financial coach through a configurable branded calendar control link.

  • Display Name – This is the name of the coaching solution that will be presented to the participant within the Explore module.
  • Logo URL – This is the URL for the logo image that will be presented on the Explore dashboard.
  • Calendar URL – The URL for the calendar control site to which the user will be directed when attempting to schedule a datetime to meet with a coach.

Income Protection Analysis

Offers a brief exercise that will gauge the user’s overall life insurance policy needs.

  • You can configure contact information to display for policy purchasing options at the end of the experience.
  • Selecting the ‘Enable Policy Purchasing Option Through’ checkbox, provides the user the ability to be seamlessly transferred to the designated 3rd party provider, where they will be able to complete a life insurance quote and potentially purchase a policy.

Emergency Funds

Module that assists the user in determining their specific emergency money needs along with a mechanism to facilitate the building of an emergency savings account.

  • Select ‘Enable Action Plan Suggestions Through EvoShare’ if you want to enable transfer to the EvoShare experience. This is a direct integration with EvoShare so users can automatically save to an emergency fund by shopping with EvoShare partnered establishments.

Social Security Optimizer

Module that assists the user in optimizing when to begin taking Social Security benefits in order to get the most out of their earned benefits. The exercise shows how the precise age at which you start taking withdrawals can impact this benefit. This feature is only available to those participants age 50 or older.

Debt Consolidation

Module assists the participant in assessing their existing debt (credits cards, personal loans, etc.) and model what a loan consolidation option can do for them. 

  • Select ‘Enable Consolidation Loan Options Through Lightstream’, provides the user the ability to seamlessly transfer to the designated 3rd party provider, where they will be able to shop for consolidated loans.

Estate Planning

Module assists the participant in getting suggestions and provides a gateway to professional help with determining which legal documents are most appropriate for their personal circumstance. Will lead to an ability to establish an estate plan that can help preserve assets, protect beneficiaries and ensure a desired legacy.

Select ‘Enable Estate Plan Purchasing Option Through EPNavigator’ if you want to enable transfer to the Estate Plan Navigator experience, where the participant will be able to choose high quality estate plan documents at an affordable price, all backed by a licensed attorney in their state.

Forecast College Costs

Module will allow a user to model one or more scenarios in which they will be covering varying levels of college costs in order to reach a summary estimate of their overall college expense and devises a plan to help cover those costs. 

Select ‘Enable Action Plan Suggestions Through EvoShare’ if you want to enable transfer to the EvoShare experience. This is a direct integration with EvoShare so users can automatically save to an college fund by shopping with EvoShare partnered establishments.

Note: The remaining modules (‘coming soon’) will be iteratively rolled out as the functionality becomes available.

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