Errors may occur in iJoin upon adding new Plans, processing Plan syncs and when activating a Plan.
All errors must be corrected in the recordkeeping system before a Plan can be added, synced or activated. Below are the Plan validation errors and steps to resolve.
Validation Errors | (Relius) Fix Steps | Next Steps |
Cannot setup plan. A plan with this external ID already exists | A plan with this external ID has already been synced over from the recordkeeping system. | N/A |
Cannot sync plan. The plan is not enabled for iJoin use. | Open Plan/Data Entry/VRU Web Setup/Single Plan Setup: VRU Web Setup Node/Advice Education/Enable iJoin Integration | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Add/Sync the plan in iJoin |
Cannot activate plan. There is more than one pre-tax or post-tax Roth source that accepts new contributions. | Open Plan/Data Entry/Plan Specifications/Source Summary/Double-click source from grid/Source Information/Accepts New Contributions checkbox | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. Investment allocations are not set to apply to all sources in the recordkeeping system. | Open Plan/Data Entry/VRU Web Setup/Single Plan Setup: VRU Web Setup Node/Election Changes/Investment Election Update Options | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. Reallocations are not set to apply to all sources in the recordkeeping system. | Open Plan/Data Entry/VRU Web Setup/Single Plan Setup: VRU Web Setup Node/Transfers and Loans | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. Plan does not have a valid year begin or end date in the recordkeeping system. | File/New/Plan/Defined Contribution plan. Setup plan with prior year begin and end dates. | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. This plan type is not supported by iJoin Enroll. | Supported plan types: 401(k), 403(b), 457 | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. Plan does not have a pre-tax deferral source that accepts new contributions. | Open Plan/Data Entry/Plan Specifications/Source Summary/Double-click source from grid/Source Information/Accepts New Contributions checkbox | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Cannot activate plan. The plan is not enabled for Participant Web in the recordkeeping system. | Open Plan/Data Entry/VRU Web Setup/Single Plan Setup: VRU Web Setup Node/Plan Options/Enable Participant Web. | Fix plan in Relius, then re-attempt to Activate plan in iJoin (no sync necessary) |
Failed to import the Relius plan. There was a “Validation error” in “1” at “minimumPrimaryBeneficiaries | Error can be ignored and is tied to the default plan setup settings for benes. You can turn off the beneficiary default setting altogether and the system is going to automatically honor whatever is coming over from Relius. | Re-attempt to Sync the plan in iJoin |
For more information on Adding New Plans see Add New Plans
For more information on Activating a Plan see Activate A Plan For Enrollment
For more information on Plan and Participant Syncs see Process Plan and Participant Syncs