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How to Set Up Managed Account Providers

Last updated on March 13, 2025

How to set up a marketplace managed account provider. From the iJoin ACT dashboard homepage, navigate to the settings tab and select managed accounts.

Click create provider.

Enter the name you wish to display for the MAP program. This will appear within the advisor portal and will be visible to system administrators.

Click the investment methodology dropdown and select your marketplace partner from the provided list. Next, select the desired white label options along with a fee disclosure messages for display in the UI. Enter the provider logo URL and determine if the methodology should permit a dynamic QDIA along with the age threshold.

Lastly, assign fees.

Click complete provider setup and save.

If you wish to set up a managed account using the native iJoin five portfolios, the same path just outlined in this video will be taken. The only difference is that the administrator must add all funds to be used and configure both the target rate of return and risk description.

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