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How to Monitor & Engage Managed Account Participants

Last updated on March 13, 2025

How to monitor and engage with managed account participants on the ACT portal. This walkthrough will show you how to review activities associated with managed account participants, along with showing the optimal path to communicate with managed participants.

When a managed account is activated on a plan within your portal, the managed account tab becomes available within the activity monitor section. To review managed account participant information, navigate to the left hand side of the ACT portal. Select activity. Click on the managed accounts tab.

A list of participants and plans are displayed here with the status of the map enrollment. This information is to track all the participants that were identified as having a balance or allocation in the plan, along with their status relative to the map offering, and whether they have opted out, voluntarily opted in, etcetera.

The managed account tab provides the dates related to each of the map statuses. The dates reflect activity dates, reallocation dates, the opt out deadline date, etcetera.

Now let’s review how to select custom criteria in order to communicate with managed account participants directly. From the homepage of the iJoin advisor portal, navigate to messaging and click create new campaign. Enter the desired campaign name. From the targeting criteria drop down menu, select is managed account participant. Next, determine which plans you want to be included in the email, and preview recipients if prudent. Determine if the email is intended to deliver a required annual notice to participants with the slide toggle.

Click continue and select the desired email template from the iJoin library. Configure the email details including sender’s name, the reply-to email address, the email subject, the schedule to when it should be sent, and any attachments. 

Lastly, configure the text body to speak to your desired messaging for the managed account participants, along with the CTA. Save the message.

The following screen will allow you to add additional messages to the campaign if desired.

Lastly, confirm campaign details and click confirm and activate. You can review the campaign along with associated information post activation under the messaging section of the main navigation.

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