Once LeafHouse has been enabled for use. Setting up and editing LeafHouse Financial as a Managed Account Provider is done the Settings tab for users with Admin Rights.
Navigate to the Settings tab on the left of your screen.
Select Managed Accounts
Select the Create Provider button.
Enter the Provider Name. This will appear when selecting a Program Provider for a plan and on Personal Retirement Picture reports for participants.
Select the LeafHouse Methodology from the available list under the Investment Methodology dropdown. If this option is not available please contact customer support
Enter the Fee Disclosure Message
Enter your provider Logo.
- If using the LeafHouse Logo use this link: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b8d925175f9eecfbadf1b04/1536680830063-R2D4G7N3AYHPFKG775CG/leafhouse_logo.png
Provider Funds does not need to be entered and you will see the below message.
Check the Complete provider setup and enable for use box.
Select Save.
Confirmation of a successful save will show.
Provider will now be available in the Managed Account Program setup drop down in a plan’s Investments Paths.
If you are using Relius Administration, also see: Managed Accounts Relius Settings for Participants.