iJoin provides email campaign templates for Onboarding and Re-Enrollment. The option to create your own template to be selected when making a new email campaign is also available.
To create a new campaign, click the blue Create a New Campaign button.
Campaign Settings
Set up your target audience for your campaign by entering the campaign rules.
First, name your campaign (this will only be seen by you, not Participants).
Select Targeting Criteria for the email campaign from the drop down. Details for the targeted audience will display once an option is selected. Note: A Custom option is available to allow for the creation of your own target audience. When this selection is made, a list of that available criteria is provided to allow for various options of customization.
From Plan Selection select either All Plans or Select Plan(s).
The Preview Recipients button will then activate to display the list of participants that meet the selected criteria.
Select Required notice by switching the toggle to the On position to indicate the message is a required notice.
Click the Continuebutton.
Recommended Campaigns
Depending on the Targeting Criteria that was selected in the previous step, sample Templates will populate for selection. If you are looking for a template that is not displayed, select the See All Templates link to see all available templates.
Select the Use Template button for the desired template.
Click the Continue button.
Add Message
Enter the Sender’s Name, the Reply to Email address and the Email Subject.
You are able to pre-schedule the email campaign for a later date by inputting the future date on the Scheduling line in the Send message on field and a specify the time for it to be sent in the at approximately field.
A PDF attachment can be added to the message by selecting the Add File button.
Message Content will display the Template that was selected in the previous step and the content can be further modified if desired. Note: Placeholders can be used to customize the message for individual recipients.
Click the Save Message button.
The saved message will then display on the Messages tab.
Selecting the Actions dropdown will allow for editing of the message.
Click the Continue button.
Confirm Campaign
The send date/time can be modified if desired, otherwise select the Confirm And Activate Campaign button.
The Messaging tab is then displayed, showing the newly created Active Campaign.
To change the Campaign status to Inactive, use the Action drop down menu and select Deactivate.
To modify a Campaign in any status, use the Action drop down menu and select Settings.
To archive a Campaign that should no longer be in use, use the Action drop down menu and select Archive. Note: This action will archive the campaign, removing it from this summary. This can not be undone.