


ijoin Success Hub



User Support

Batch Update

Last updated on January 05, 2022

There will be times when you need to update settings across all or a subset of Plans or Users. This can be accomplished through the Batch Update utility within the Advisor Portal.

1. From the Advisor Portal Dashboard page, select the Settings tab, then Batch Update.

2. First select the Type of update from the drop-down.

  • Update Plan Settings
  • Update User Settings

3.   Area/Field drop-down will populate based upon your Type selection with the fields that can be updated. Choose the desired field.

4.   Set Value To drop-down is populated with relevant option(s). Choose the desired option.

5.  Under Plan Selection select either All Plans or Select Plans.

6.    If you chose Select Plans, a popup box is presented with the list of Plans available to you.

  1. You can select the desired Plans in the left-hand column by checking the box.
  2. You can search for specific Plans through entries into the boxes in top row.

7.  When done select Perform Update.

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