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Assumptions and Disclaimers

Last updated on December 24, 2024

The Assumptions and Disclaimers information appears on the last page of the Participant Enrollment report that is emailed when Participant-directed Enrollment activity occurs on the Enrollment site. 

The information provided in the Assumptions and Disclosures text differs for the Standard Enroll and the Managed Account Program experiences. The information within can not be changed.

Standard Enroll


The information in this report is based upon a number of specific assumptions which are shown below:

How Much Retirement Income Do You Need? A study from Dimensional Fund Advisors recommends that people making $25,870 or less need about 82% of their pre-retirement income to maintain their standard of living. Those making $86,882 or more need about 58% of their income. This is consistent with other studies on Retirement Income needs and iJoin uses this study to calculate the assumed replacement income you will need in retirement. The amount of money you will need in retirement is a personal decision and may be more or less than the assumed replacement income.

See https://www.ijoinsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/How-Much-Should-I-Save-for-Retirement.pdf

How Much Money Will Social Security Replace? ¡Join uses the DOL’s website on Social Security each year to calculate the amount of money you will receive from retirement assuming NO WAGE INFLATION. This is consistent with the Department of Labor’s Advanced Notice on Proposed Rule Making regarding retirement income projections which states that all such projections should be in TODAY’S DOLLARS. See https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2013/05/08/2013-10636/pension-benefit-statements

How did you calculate the impact of increasing my savings on my paycheck? To estimate the paycheck impact of increased savings we simply reduced the total amount of savings by the marginal Federal Tax Bracket at your Salary level plus the marginal tax bracket at your State of Residence, and current marital status.

How was the estimated rate of return determined for my investment portfolio? Estimated rates of return are determined by mapping the individual securities in your portfolio into a specific asset class as published by BlackRock Institute. Using capital market return assumptions, each asset class’ long-term expected return is published by BlackRock and updated quarterly. We estimate the overall rate of return for your portfolio by aggregating the BlackRock returns data according to the asset class composition of your portfolio. The BlackRock returns data is not intended as a recommendation to invest in any particular asset class or strategy or product or as a promise of future performance.

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  • The information in this report is based upon data received from you, your plan sponsor and the plan’s Recordkeeper.
  • This report is not investment advice and iJoin does not act as an “investment adviser” as defined in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Nor is iJoin a fiduciary to you under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) or any other law.
  • Neither iJoin nor any of your service providers are engaged in rendering legal, tax, accounting, or blanket fiduciary services. Consult your tax or legal advisors before establishing a retirement plan and make sure you understand the tax, ERISA and related consequences of investments made under the plan.
  • This report is provided for educational and informational purposes only. You must decide yourself how to use and interpret the report, including whether you need a professional to assist you. Neither iJoin nor the plan sponsor nor any of the service providers for this retirement plan are responsible for how you interpret or use the information. The report is a tool to aid you in evaluating your retirement goals and thus should not be the sole source of information you use to evaluate your plan.
  • The report is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis and use of the information and data therein is solely at your risk. ¡Join has not verified the accuracy or completeness of the information in the report and iJoin is not responsible for any data in the report, including any inaccuracies. iJoin makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind to any person and expressly disclaims all warranties, including the implied warranties of title, non-infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness or completeness. You assume the full responsibility and risk arising from any action or inaction you may take as a result of the information in this report.
  • This report was prepared as of the date shown on the cover and data used in this report generally has been updated within 90 days of the report date. However, data is received from various sources and at different times. Information in the report is time sensitive. Over time, different data will be available to iJoin and enhancements may be made to its report generation process, and thus results may vary with each report generated. iJoin is under no obligation to monitor or update this report in the future unless expressly engaged to do so.
  • This report is based on the methodology utilized by iJoin to gather, compile and present information, which iJoin may modify at any time in its sole discretion.
  • It may be that certain investment options have been made available under your plan and that certain fees have been charged in connection with your plan and/or the investment options offered thereunder, but they are not reflected in this report. Please refer to the separate disclosures regarding these investment options and fees and include them in your evaluation of your plan and its investment options.

Managed Account Program


The information in this report is based upon a number of specific assumptions which are shown below:

How Much Retirement Income Do You Need? A study from Dimensional Fund Advisors recommends that people making $25,870 or less need about 82% of their pre-retirement income to maintain their standard of living. Those making $86,882 or more need about 58% of their income. This is consistent with other studies on Retirement Income needs and iJoin uses this study to calculate the assumed replacement income you will need in retirement. The amount of money you will need in retirement is a personal decision and may be more or less than the assumed replacement income.

See https://www.ijoinsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/How-Much-Should-I-Save-for-Retirement.pdf 

How Much Money Will Social Security Replace? ¡Join uses the DOL’s website on Social Security each year to calculate the amount of money you will receive from retirement assuming NO WAGE INFLATION. This is consistent with the Department of Labor’s Advanced Notice on Proposed Rule Making regarding retirement income projections which states that all such projections should be in TODAY’S DOLLARS.

See https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2013/05/08/2013-10636/pension-benefit-statements

What type of rates do you use to translate my account balance into an inflation-adjusted annuity? iJoin uses market-based quotes, updated monthly, from five large insurance companies for a lifetime annuity that grows at 2% rate of inflation each year.

How did you calculate the impact of increasing my savings on my paycheck? To estimate the paycheck impact of increased savings we simply reduced the total amount of savings by the marginal Federal Tax Bracket at your Salary level plus the marginal tax bracket at your State of Residence, and your current marital status.

How were the historical rates of return for the LDIndex funds calculated? The LDIndex Targeted Return portfolio’s historical returns utilizes the Dow Jones Relative Risk Indices as proxy allocations. The index family includes global and U.S. indices for five risk profiles-aggressive, moderately aggressive, moderate, moderately conservative and conservative. These profiles are defined based on incremental levels of potential risk relative to the risk of an all-stock index. Each Dow Jones Relative Risk Index is made up of composite indices representing the three major asset classes: stocks, bonds and cash. The asset class indices are weighted differently within each relative risk index to achieve the targeted risk level. The weightings are rebalanced monthly to maintain these levels. Index returns are calculated daily. Each index return is equal to the sum of the weighted returns of its components. The best year return is the maximum total return of the index of all consecutive 12-month periods. The worst year return is the minimum total return of the index of all consecutive 12-month periods. Note that the best and worst year return does not necessarily refer to returns during the calendar year.



  • The information in this report is based upon data received from you, your plan sponsor and the plan’s Recordkeeper.
  • This report is not investment advice and iJoin does not act as an “investment adviser” as defined in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Nor is iJoin a fiduciary to you under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) or any other law. However, if LDIndex Target Return funds (excluding any LDI collective investment funds) have been included as the plan’s Qualified Default Investment Alternative, iJoin or an affiliate acts as an ERISA fiduciary in choosing or recommending the LDI Target Return fund it determines is most appropriate to enable you to reach your retirement goal based on the information provided.
  • Neither iJoin nor any of your service providers are engaged in rendering legal, tax, accounting, or blanket fiduciary services. Consult your tax or legal advisors before establishing a retirement plan and make sure you understand the tax, ERISA and related consequences of investments made under the plan.
  • This report is provided for educational and informational purposes only. You must decide yourself how to use and interpret the report, including whether you need a professional to assist you. Neither iJoin nor the plan sponsor nor any of the service providers for this retirement plan are responsible for how you interpret or use the information. The report is a tool to aid you in evaluating your retirement goals and thus should not be the sole source of information you use to evaluate your plan.
  • The report is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis and use of the information and data therein is solely at your risk. iJoin has not verified the accuracy or completeness of the information in the report and iJoin is not responsible for any data in the report, including any inaccuracies. iJoin makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind to any person and expressly disclaims all warranties, including the implied warranties of title, non-infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness or completeness. You assume the full responsibility and risk arising from any action or inaction you may take as a result of the information in this report.
  • This report was prepared as of the date shown on the cover and data used in this report generally has been updated within 90 days of the report date. However, data is received from various sources and at different times. Information in the report is time sensitive. Over time, different data will be available to iJoin and enhancements may be made to its report generation process, and thus results may vary with each report generated. iJoin is under no obligation to monitor or update this report in the future unless expressly engaged to do so.
  • This report is based on the methodology utilized by iJoin to gather, compile and present information, which iJoin may modify at any time in its sole discretion.
  • It may be that certain investment options have been made available under your plan and that certain fees have been charged in connection with your plan and/or the investment options offered thereunder, but they are not reflected in this report. Please refer to the separate disclosures regarding these investment options and fees and include them in your evaluation of your plan and its investment options.

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