From the iJoin advisor dashboard home screen, navigate to the plan summary screen of the plan you wish to set up.
Click on the desired plan and go to experience setup.
Under experience type, select managed account recommendation.
Next, navigate to the investment path section for the plan.
Ensure that the slide toggle for map as default investment is set to on.
To confirm these changes and update the plan, go to the activation tab for the plan and click activate latest changes.
Your plan is now set up for map as QDIA.
To place new participants and any existing participants without affirmative investment elections into the QDIA.
A task to identify new map program entrance will need to be set up. Navigate to the activity section of the iJoin portal and select task scheduling.
Click schedule new task.
Select identify new map program entrance under the task type drop down. Set the status to on. Determine the frequency of the activity. We recommend daily. Then select the desired processing time. Lastly, select the plans you wish to run the process for. Either all map as QDIA plans or a custom selection.
Click save.
The identify new map program entrance job can now be monitored in the activity monitor screen for reference.