Note1: Update to page 5
Advice Provider has been changed to ‘Vendor’, Utilities / VRU / Web Administration / Maintenance / Utilities / Vendor / Setup
After page 8 should have setting to enable Participant Web selected, VRU / Web Setup / Single Plan Setup / VRU / Web Setup / Plan Options > Enable Participant Web
iJoin On Track Enrollment
For Public Consumption Last Updated: October 21, 2016 Relius Administration
Relius Administration Support
Relius Administration version 21.0 SP1 introduces a new integration with iJoin On Track Enrollment as an
enrollment advice provider.
With this release, the integrated iJoin On Track Enrollment solution consists of the following features:
- Turn-key setup whereby the iJoin On Track Enrollment service is enabled via Advice Provider Setup within
Relius Administration. - Seamless Single Sign-On to the iJoin On Track Enrollment experience via various pages throughout the
Relius Participant Web portal. - Immediate data feeds that populate the necessary fields in Relius each time enrollment or participant changes are made via iJoin On Track Enrollment.
- Manual and automated syncing of plan and participant data from Relius into iJoin On Track Enrollment via
web services
System Administration
iJoin On Track Enrollment will require licensing prior to utilization and setup. From the main menu of Relius, go to
Utilities > System Administration > System Administrator Update. Select Licensing and the following screen will
be displayed:
Enter the required password and the following screen will be displayed:
If licensed, the Enabled checkbox will be selected and the Licensed column will indicate Yes. If not, please
contact your sales representative for further assistance.
Advice Provider Setup
Once licensed, iJoin On Track Enrollment will be available as an Advice Provider as shown below via Utilities >
VRU/Web Administration > Maintenance > Utilities > Advice Provider > Setup.
To complete the setup options on this screen you will first need to
- Ensure you have established an account with iJoin Solutions, and
- Obtain specific information from iJoin regarding your iJoin account
To reach iJoin Customer Support call 919-926-0286 or email Support@iJoinSolutions.com.
NOTE: iJoin On Track Enrollment integration requires both a public and private certificate. The public
certificate must be provided to iJoin and the private certificate will be uploaded below. For Relius Administration ASP clients, Relius ASP Support will provide iJoin with the public certificate.
iJoin SSO Information
- iJoin Account ID: Enter the account ID received from iJoin.
- iJoin Authorization URL: Enter the URL received from iJoin.
- Upload iJoin Public Key: When selected, this will open a standard Windows/Relius file upload screen that allows for the selection of a file for upload.
- Test connection to iJoin: When selected, uses the defined parameters to verify the connection to iJoin.
The test connection opens a browser window with predefine test credential to attempt SSO from Relius
Administration to iJoin. The program will use the Relius Administration and iJoin URL’s entered on this
screen.- Note that Internet access must be available on the test PC running Relius Administration.
- When a response from iJoin is received, a message with the response data provided by iJoin will be displayed.
- Select the OK button to return to the Advice Provider Setup screen.
Participant WEB SSO Information
- Certificate: Select the Browse button and a standard Windows/Relius upload screen that allows for the selection of a certificate file. You will be required to procure a x509 private certificate that is to be uploaded here. For Relius Administration ASP clients, Relius ASP Support will provide the certificate file.
- Password: Enter the password for the certificate provided above. For Relius Administration ASP clients,
Relius ASP Support will provide the password. - Load certificate: Once the certificate has been selected and the password entered and validated, click on the Load certificate button to load the certificate.
- Relius Client Web URL: Allows for the specification of the applicable URL. This should be the Relius
Administration Participant Web URL.
Web Services Configuration Information
- User ID: Enter the user specified (client created) user id.
- Password: Enter the user specified (client created) password.
- Show password: When selected will display the user specified password, when not selected, the password
will display as ‘masked’.- Note that if the masked data in the Password field does not exactly match the data entered in the “Re-enter
Password” field, the following will be displayed: - “The Password and Re-enter Password fields must match. Please re-enter both fields.”
- Click on the OK button to return to the Modify Advice/Provider screen.
- Note that if the masked data in the Password field does not exactly match the data entered in the “Re-enter
- Service URL: Enter the Relius Administration provided service URL. This should be the URL where the
Relius Connect web service is hosted. For Relius Administration ASP clients, Relius ASP Support will
provide. - TPA ID: Automatically displays the associated TPA ID. A user entered value may be required by iJoin. For
Relius Administration purposes, this value can be an alphanumeric combination. - Export Configuration XML: When selected, allows for the configuration to be exported in XML format. This
XML will be sent to iJoin for configuration on their side.
VRU/Web Setup
Once licensed, the plan will need to be enabled for iJoin enrollment integration. With the plan open, from the
main menu go to Data Entry > VRU/Web Setup > Single Plan Setup > Web Setup > Advice/Education and the
following screen will be displayed:
Enable iJoin enrollment integration: When selected, will allow for enrollment integration via the iJoin On Track
Enrollment application. If licensing for iJoin On Track Enrollment is not enabled, this option will remain disabled.
As of version 21.0 SP2 the iJoin On Track Enrollment solution only supports 401(k) and 403(b) plan types.
The iJoin On Track Enrollment functionality is located under Web Setup > Participant Enrollment as shown below:
Enable iJoin On Track Enrollment: When licensed for iJoin On Track Enrollment, this option will be displayed
for selection.
Disable all other Web enrollment options: When the option to Enable iJoin On Track Enrollment is selected, this option will be enabled for selection otherwise it will remain disabled. When selected, all other enrollment options displayed will become disabled:
When the option to Disable all other Web enrollment options is selected and any of the underlying options for
Participant Enrollment are selected the following message will be displayed:
Note that once defined, this may be copied to other plans, plan groups, or all plans via the Copy New Fields
functionality located under File > Copy New Fields.
Web Customization
Custom text components for iJoin On Track Enrollment have been added and will be available via Utilities > VRU/Web Administration > Customization > Text/Language as defined below:
AreaId | Option Name |
Participant Dashboard | |
iJoinSummaryOpt | |
iJoinSummaryTxt | |
iJoinSummaryLink | |
Investment Elections | |
iJoinSummaryOpt | |
iJoinSummaryTxt | |
iJoinSummaryLink | |
Contribution Information | |
iJoinSummaryOpt | |
iJoinSummaryTxt | |
iJoinSummaryLink | |
iJoinSummaryOpt | |
iJoinSummaryTxt | |
iJoinSummaryLink |
New Employee Enrollment
When a new participant accesses the New Employee Enrollment page, and iJoin On Track Enrollment is enabled,
the following screen will be displayed:
Existing Participants
When the iJoin On Track Enrollment option is enabled via the custom text utility, an iJoin widget will be displayed
as shown below:
Participants may navigate away from the Relius Participant Web and single sign-on directly into the iJoin site by selecting the next button on the enrollment page when the iJoin On Track Enrollment option is selected, or by selecting the link button on the iJoin On Track Enrollment ‘widget’. When electing to single sign-on into iJoin On Track Enrollment, the following will be displayed: