Release Highlights – January through March 2022
iJoin has been updated with the following changes:
- MAP Fee Disclosures – New features have been added under the Settings/Managed Accounts/MAP Provider setup option that allow for the configuration of fee disclosure messaging within the iJoin participant experience.
- When a fee disclaimer has been configured for the managed account provider tied to any number of your plans, the fee messaging will be displayed within the ‘Learn More’ pop-up boxes that appear in different sections throughout the experience.
- A ‘Learn More’ button and messaging that references the potential for additional fees has been added to the “Manage It For Me” investment path option.
- Relius Salary Pull Refinements – The logic used to pull salary values from Relius Administration has been updated to remove the ‘YTD salary override’ value from the hierarchy. The updated logic is outlined here.
- 100% Allocation Validation – A validation check has been added to the iJoin Authorization page to alleviate situations where an existing participant has entered the iJoin experience and an investment allocation that does not equal 100% has been pulled from Relius.
- When this scenario is encountered, the user will be forced to verify their investment allocations and enter a total that equals 100%.
- Match Optimization Text Update – “(if eligible)” has been added to the text displayed to users when they are maximizing their company match.
- Bug Fixes – Miscellaneous bug fixes, including:
- A fix to address an issue where Relius metEligibilityDate values were not getting properly written to the iJoin database via scheduled participant syncs.
- An issue related to the Export to CSV function for larger data sets has been addressed.
For more information, please contact iJoin Sales at [email protected].