Once your iJoin account has been licensed for the iGPS/PIMCO solution, as an iJoin user with administrative rights, you will need to go through the process of setting up iGPS as a managed account provider that can be assigned out to the applicable plans in your system.
Relius Managed Accounts Settings for Participants
iJoin’s managed account solution works with Relius functionality to track a participant’s managed account status. This will prevent participants with managed accounts from making their own investment elections/transfers on the web until they opt-out of the managed account.
Set Up “Managed Only” Investments (aka Sidecars)
Relius Disable Plan Web Election Change settings for “Managed Only” Investments
Setting Up Allianz In Plan Annuities
iJoin provides the ability for In-Plan annuities to be offered via the participant enrollment and post enrollment experiences. This offering requires the following plan level set up within your Relius recordkeeping system as well and iJoin Administrative Portal.
Configure Relius Web to Launch User into Full iJoin Enrollment Experience
In Relius You can turn on a custom text widget that appears at the top of the dashboard page. This Widget has a button that will launch the user into the full enrollment experience, Including the beneficiary election page.
Set Up Plan in Relius
The following serves as the minimum setup required in Relius in order be able to sync a plan to the iJoin platform.
Enable STP/Tasks for iJoin Create/Post Transfers in Relius
This process is used for posting the STP transfer jobs that come into Relius from iJoin.
Remove / Disable Plan from iJoin
Start by disabling “Allow Participant Enrollment and iJoin On-Track Enrollment” through Relius.
Set Up LDI Managed Account Funds
Setting up the LDIndex Funds for the Plan in Relius
Resolve Plan Validation Errors
Errors may occur in iJoin upon adding new Plans, processing Plan syncs and when activating a Plan.
Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius
The full email address for each iJoin Notification recipient must exist in Relius and in iJoin for Notifications to send with a successful status.