A White Label is used to customize the display on the Enrollment site.
The White Label can be set as a default and used for new and existing Plans or they can be customized per Plan. A White Label is created for Plans in the Advisor Portal using the Plan Settings / White Label tab. The option to create a new White Label, (per Plan) is available in the Plan Details / Experience Setup tab.
Some information contained in the White Label includes: Enrollment site Logos, introduction video options, advisor photo or company logo, additional disclosures and color themes.
Use this document to:
- Create a New White Label
- Edit an existing White Label
- Delete a White Label
Create New White Labels in Settings
A White Label is required when setting up a Plan for Enrollment on Plan Details / Enrollment Setup.
It is best to create a new White Label to be used by new Plans as a default prior to going through the Enrollment Setup. By creating the White Label under the Plan Settings / White Label tab, the Plan in Enrollment Setup will have the White Label selection(s) available to use.
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Click the White Label tab.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Enter the fields for the White Label.
Name: Give the White Label a unique name.
Default: Use the White Label as a default setting for all new Plans to use. Note: If you would like to use a custom White Label for a selected Plan, do not choose Default.
Theme: Select which theme color you like to use for the Plan.
Login URL: Enter your custom URL for Participants to login to.
Logo URI: Enter your logo URI which will show on the login screen. This image is also printed on the Deferral / Allocation change, Beneficiary change and the Enrollment Confirmation reports that are generated following Participant-directed activities on the Enrollment site.
GTM ID: Enter your own Google Tag Manager Container Id to track site activities.
Return to Login URL: Enter the URL that is used for Back to Login option which is displayed on the screen after Enrollment is completed. Note: The entire URL is required.
Additional Disclosures: Enter additional legal disclosure(s) text you would like to append to the existing disclosures. The Participant agrees to the disclosure on the final step of the Enrollment. The additional disclosure text entered here is also displayed on the Participant Report that is emailed after Enrollment is completed.
Login Screen Disclosures: In rare cases you may need to include a disclosure on the Login screen. Enter the additional text here to display on the Enrollment Login screen.
Non-Spousal Beneficiary Disclaimer: Enter (additional) disclaimer text regarding non-spousal primary beneficiary waivers that will appear on the Beneficiary entry screen.
Special Submission Instruction: If your process schedules windows in which exports to the recordkeeper are not permitted, enter informational text for participants indicating that their submissions may not be reflected for several hours.
Video URI For Login Screen: Enter a URI to be displayed for the Video on the Login screen. Note: If a URI is not entered into this field, a default video image is used.
Show enrollment overview video: Choose On or Off. When Off is selected, a video does not appear on the Enrollment site.
When On is selected, choose to:
- Use iJoin default video:
- Preview the default video for Standard Enroll > Participant Enrollment / Video
- Preview the default video for the Managed Account Program > Participant Enrollment / Video
- Use custom video URL:
- Input the URL for the custom video. (MP4 format) in the Use custom video URL field.
- Use iJoin default video:
Display iJoin satisfaction survey at the end of enrollments: Choose On or Off
Contact info (phone and email) to be displayed to Participants: This is the contact information displayed on the completed Enrollment page of the Enrollment site and is also displayed on the Enrollment Confirmation report, which is emailed after Enrollment, or as per the Notification settings.
(Note: The Notifications Settings on the Plan Settings / Notifications tab determines which reports are sent in a Notification and to whom. For more information on Notifications Settings, see Set Up Notifications).
1. Select Primary Advisor to display the Advisor contact information stored in the Plan Settings / Profile tab.
2. Select Other to display different contact information.
2.1 Input the Contact Phone Number and Contact Email Address. This contact information will be displayed instead of the Plan Advisor on the completed Enrollment page of the Enrollment site and is displayed on the Enrollment Confirmation report.
For more information on Plan Settings see Set Up Plan Settings
For more information on Presentation Type see What is Presentation Type?
Any changes made to the White Label fields will be auto saved. An auto save message will appear.
Edit White Labels in Settings
If a White Label already exists on the Plan Settings / White Label tab, it can be edited or deleted. (See below for deleting White Labels) Edits to the existing White Labels become available immediately on the Enrollment site for any active Plan(s) using the White Label.
1. Click on the Settings tab then click White Label. Select the White Label to edit and click on the Actions drop down menu.
2. Select Edit.
3. Make edits to the White Label fields. See above for the White Label fields in Create New White Labels, step 4.
4. Any edits made to the White Label fields are auto saved. The changes are made available immediately on the Enrollment site for any active Plan(s) using the White Label.
Deleting White Labels
The White Label can be deleted in the Plan Settings / White Label tab if it is not in use by a Plan.
1. Select the White Label and click on the Actions drop down menu. Select Delete.
2. A message will display to confirm the delete request. Click OK or Cancel.
2.1 A White Label cannot be deleted if it is in use by an existing Plan. A message will display. Click OK.
2.2 Select the Plan(s) in Plan Summary then click on the Experience Setup tab to verify which White Label is being used in the Site White Label field.
2.3 When the Plan(s) is found using the White Label, you can:
- Make edits to the existing White Label. See above for Edits.
- Choose a different White Label to use for the Plan by using the drop-down menu in the Site White Label field.
- Create a new White Label for the Plan(s) to use. See Create New White Label above.
3. The option to delete the unwanted White Label becomes available once it is no longer in use by any Plan.
Create New White Label from Enrollment Setup
The existing White Label that is set to ‘default’ in the Plan Settings / White Label tab will be used for any new Plan(s) during Experience Setup. A new custom White Label can also be created in the Plan Details / Experience Setup tab for specific Plan(s) needs.
1. From the Plan Summary screen, select the Plan then click the Experience Setup tab.
The available White Labels are shown under the Enrollment User Experience section in the Site White Label field. (Use the drop-down menu to see all of the White Labels.)
2. To create a new White Label for the Plan, click Create New White Label.
3. The User is directed to the Plan Settings / White Label link.
4. If the new White Label is specific to a Plan, see Create New White Labels above, except do not set the new White Label as a default.
5. Once the new White Label has been created, it needs to be added to the Plan.
6. Select the Plan from Plan Summary then click the Experience Setup tab.
7. Use the Site White Label field drop down menu to select the new White Label.
8. Any edits made to the Site White Label field on the Experience Setup tab will be auto saved. The changes to the Site White Label field are not visible on the Experience site until the Plan is activated.
For more information on activating a Plan for Enrollment, see Activate A Plan For Enrollment
Edit White Labels on Enrollment Setup
A White Label can be changed on a Plan in any status. The White Label changes are not visible on the Enrollment site until the Plan is active.
1. You cannot edit an existing White Label from the Site White Label field. To edit an existing White Label, click Create New White Label.
2. The User is directed to the Settings / White Label tab. A list of the available White Labels will display.
3. Click the Actions drop down menu for the selected White Label then click Edit.
4. See Edit White Labels in Settings above.
5. Once the White Label has been edited, it needs to be verified on the Plan. Select the Plan from Plan Summary then click the Experience Setup tab.
6. Verify that the edited White Label is selected in the Site White Label field. Use the drop-down menu to select the correct / edited White Label if needed.
7. Any changes made to the Site White Label field are auto saved. The White Label changes are not visible on the Enrollment site until the Plan is active.
For more information on activating a Plan for Enrollment, see Activate A Plan For Enrollment