The following serves as the minimum setup required in Relius in order be able to sync a plan to the iJoin platform.
Setup Plan in Relius
- The Plan type is 401(k), 403(b) or 457 only
- The Plan has a valid year begin and year end date
- The Fund Lineup has been established with any default fund(s) identified
- The Investment allocations are set to apply to all sources
- Investment transfers are set to apply to all sources
- The Plan has at least one pre-tax deferral source that accepts new contributions
- When Roth, the Plan has at least one pre-tax and post-tax Roth source accepts new contributions
- The Target Date Funds / QDIA, (optional per Plan) have begin and end dates / ages
- Verify that the Investments are participant web enabled, VRU / Web Setup / Single Plan Setup / VRU / Web Setup / Investments > click Use for each investment
2. VRU / Web Setup / Single Plan Setup / VRU / Web Setup / Plan Options > Enable Participant Web
3. VRU / Web Setup / Single Plan Set up / Web Setup / Advice Education > Enable iJoin Enrollment Integration
4. Save the Plan changes in Relius.
5. The next step is to initiate a sync of the plan from within the iJoin admin portal. See Add New Plans.