Once the Plan has been successfully added and the Plan Settings have been established in iJoin, it is time to setup the Plan Details.
For more information on Plan Settings see Set Up Plan Settings
For more information on adding a new Plan see Add New Plans
Plan Details
1. From the Advisor Portal, click on the Plans tab.
2. Select the Plan from Plan Summary by either selecting the Plan Name or Details from the Action drop-down menu.
Plan Specifications
The Plan Specifications information comes from the recordkeeping system, such as Relius in the automated Plan Sync that was created when the Plan was added. For more information on adding Plans see Add New Plans
1. Click the Plan Details / Specifications tab. The Plan is displayed in the Specifications tab.
2. Verify the information in the Plan Details section for Plan Name, Recordkeeper, External Plan Id# (recordkeeper ID), and the information in the Employer section for Employer Name, Employer EIN, Phone Contact and Primary Plan Contact.
3. Make changes to the Plan Provisions Matching information by updating the Contribution and Match percent fields. The Matching Provisions can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button(s).
Note: The Plan status must be a draft status to enable the Matching Tier fields. For more information on draft status see Create A Draft Plan
4. Select the Do not override these settings with data from the recordkeeping system check box to disable the Matching tiers from being overwritten with recordkeeper data when a Plan Sync is performed.
5. Click the Add Tier button to add additional Matching Tiers to the Plan.
6. If other changes are required to the information in the Specifications tab, make the changes in the recordkeeping system then process a manual Plan Sync to bring the updates to iJoin. See Processing Plan and Participant Syncs
7. Any changes made to the Plan Specifications fields are auto saved.
The Participant information on the Participants tab is empty on a new Plan since the recordkeeper Participant data has not been synced. Processing the Participant Sync will bring the Participant information into the Plan in iJoin.
1. Click the Participants tab. The Plan Details / Participants screen is displayed.
2. Click the Actions drop down menu, select Sync Participants and select the Recordkeeper.
3. A message will display to confirm the Sync request. Click the Sync Participants button.
3.1 You can check the Activity Monitor for the Participant Sync status by clicking on the Activity tab. For more information on Activity Monitor see Monitor Activity.
3.2 If there are any errors for the Participant Sync, click on the Error in the Status column and read the description.
3.3 Resolve individual Participant Sync errors in the recordkeeping system and repeat Step 2 above.
4. The Participant Sync finishes and the Plan Participants are displayed on the Plan Details / Participants tab.
The Plan Details / Contacts tab displays the Plan contact information. These are the Plan contacts to be used on the Enrollment site, Participant reports and Notifications. The Other Plan Contacts section comes from the email addresses saved in the Contact Management System.
1. Click the Contacts tab. The Plan Contacts screen is displayed.
2. Click the Manage Plan Access button to select the Advisor and to verify / select who has Plan Access. A Primary Advisor must be selected.
2.1 If a change to the Advisor email address is required, make the change in the Plan Settings / Profile tab under the Contacts section. See Set Up Plan Settings
3. Verify the Other Plan Contacts information.
4. The Other Plan Contacts information is used for sending Notifications. Each email recipient email address must exist in iJoin to send Notifications to the recipients successfully.
4.1 The Other Plan Contacts information is sent from the recordkeeping system during the Plan sync. The Plan Contacts sent to iJoin are Primary Plan Administrator, Primary Employer / Sponsor and Primary Plan Contact. If changes are needed to these Other Plan Contacts information, recordkeeping system to be updated. See Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius for more information.
4.2 A manual Plan sync is then required to bring in the new information for Plan Contacts. See Process Plan and Participant Syncs.
Experience Setup
Once the Plan Settings and other Plan Details have been established, it is time to setup the Experience for the Plan.
Follow document for Set Up Enrollment
Investment Paths
Once the Plan Settings, other Plan Details and Enrollment has been setup, it is time to setup Investment Paths for the Plan.
Follow document for Set Up Investment Paths
Once the Plan Settings, other Plan Details, Experience and the Investment Paths have been selected, it is time to setup Notifications for the Plan.
Follow document for Set Up Notifications
Activate the Plan for Enrollments
Once the Plan Settings, Plan Details, Experience, Investment Paths and Notifications have been setup, it is time Activate the Plan for Enrollment. This changes the Plan from a Draft status to an Active status.
Follow document for Activate A Plan For Enrollment