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Set Up Enrollment

Last updated on August 31, 2021

Use the Experience Setup tab in Plan Details to enable Participant Enrollments or to make changes to an existing Experience Setup on a Plan.

Experience Setup on Plan Details

1. Select the Plan from Plan Summary, then click the Experience Setup tab. The Experience Setup screen is displayed.

Note: To make edits / changes to disabled Enrollment fields when the Plan is already Active, you must first create a draft of the Plan. Select Create Draft if applicable.

iJoin Plan Use

2. Select the iJoin Plan Use option for the Plan.

  • 2.1 Enable Plan for iJoin ACT 
    • Selecting On, activates the analytics and reporting functionality.
  • 2.2 Enable Plan for iJoin Enroll (setup Required)
    • Selecting Off, removes all Enrollment options setup parameters from the page.
    • Selecting On, Enrollment options for the Plan are made available for selection and the Participant Enrollment site will be made available to the Plan Participants once the Plan is activated.

An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the iJoin Plan Use fields are changed.

Enrollment User Experience

Under the Enrollment User Experience section, the Experience Type, Greeting Type and Site White Labels selections are made for the Plan.

Experience Type

The Experience Type can only be changed on a Plan in Draft status.

3. Select the Experience Type for the Plan from the drop-down menu.

  • The Experience Type field selection will determine the Investment Paths options available to the Participant on the Enrollment site. A new Plan will always default to the selection made in the Settings / Plan Default tab / Enrollment Experience Type.
  • The Draft Plan edits are not visible on the Participant Enrollment site until you click the Activation button.

An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Experience Type field is changed.


Greeting Type

The Greeting Type selection can be changed on any status Plan.

4. Select the Greeting Type from the drop-down menu.

  • The Greeting Type is selected for a Plan in the Settings tab under Plan Defaults. A new Plan will always default to the Greeting Type selection made in the Plan Default settings.
  • The Draft Plan edits to the Greeting Type field are not visible on the Participant Enrollment site until you click the Activation button.
  • When edits are made to the Greeting Type field on an Active Plan, the edits are auto saved and made available immediately on the Participant Enrollment site.

An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Greeting Type field is changed.

Site White Labels

The existing White Label in the Plan Settings tab and set to default will be used for any new Plans in Experience Setup. A new White Label can be created for the Plan to use if needed.

Note: You cannot edit an existing White Label from the Site White Label field. For information on how to edit White Label, see Set Up White Labels

5. Select the White Label to be used for the Plan in the Site White Label field by using the drop-down menu for a list of available White Labels.

6. If the Plan does not have a Site White Label populated in the field or if the Plan would like to use a new White Label, click Create New White Label.

Note: The Participant Enrollment Video option setting is located within the White Label.

An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Site White Label field is changed.

Other Enrollment Settings

Note: Edits are disabled on an Active Plan for changes to the Other Enrollment Settings selections on the Enrollment tab. To make edits to these fields when the Plan is already Active, you must first create a draft of the Plan. Select Create Draft if applicable. Other Enrollment Settings are only available when Enable Plan for iJoin ENROLL is set to On.

7. Toggle the Allow balance transfers to changed investment allocations switch to On or Off. When this option is On, the Participant will have their balances reallocated to the investment selections that they choose and authorize on the Enrollment site.

8. Toggle the Provide Current Paycheck Estimator switch to On or Off. When this option is On, the Participant has the ability to view an estimate or impact to their current paycheck after taxes, deductions and contribution amounts and they have the ability to see what their retirement paycheck would look like based on the selections made on the Enrollment site.

9. Toggle the Require Cell Phone Number Entry switch to On or Off. When this field is toggled On, the Participant is required to enter a cell phone number. When this field is toggled Off, the Participant has the option to enter a cell phone number on the Enrollment site.

10.  Turn On or Off the option to Display Op-Out on the Enrollment Site.

11. Turn On or Off the option Permits Edits of Existing Name Values. When this field is On, the entered name data is fed back to the recordkeeper.

12. Toggle the Collect Beneficiary Information switch to On or Off. When this option is On, the Participant will be required to enter Beneficiary / Contingent Beneficiary information on the Enrollment site.

  • 12.1 When Collect Beneficiary is On:
    • Use the drop down menu to select the number of Primary Beneficiary information to collect on the Enrollment site.
    • Use the drop down menu to select the number of Contingent Beneficiary information to collect on the Enrollment site.

An auto save message will appear at the top of the screen when the Other Enrollment Settings fields are changed.

Investment Paths

11. For more information on setting up Investment Paths see Set Up Investment Paths


12. For more information on setting up and managing Notifications see Set Up Notifications

Activate A Plan For Enrollment

13. Once all edits have been made to the Plan through Enrollment Setup, Investment Paths and Notifications, it is time to Activate the Plan to make it available to Participants on the Enrollment site.

See Activate A Plan For Enrollments

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