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User Support

Set Up A Plan For Automated Force Outs

Last updated on August 11, 2021

The Automated Force Out Process is available to plans on the iJoin platform if the plan is enabled for the ACT feature. iJoin must be updated if a Plan is eligible and wants to utilize this feature.

Navigate to the Plans Specifications tab (Plan Details)

If the Plan is enabled for ACT, then the Automated Force Out section will be available for updates.

  1. Check the Enable Automate Force Out checkbox.
  2. Select the Rollover Provider from the available drop-down.
  3. Enter the Provider Plan ID.
    • This value is assigned by the Provider and is unique to each Plan.
  1. Enter the lowest vested balance amount eligible for force out Rollover in the Minimum Vested Balance Threshold for Force Out field. 
    • If you intend to include cashouts as part of the process, you can enter a value less than $1,000 as the minimum threshold. Otherwise, you can limit the process to force outs by setting this to $1,000.
  2. Enter the highest vested balance amount eligible for force out Rollover in the Maximum Vested Balance Threshold for Force Out field.
  3. Select the Exclude Vested Rollover Balances checkbox if you wish to exclude the value of the Rollover source from the minimum / maximum threshold checks.
  4. Allowed Response Time (Days) Before Force Out
    • Enter the number of days you will give the participant to transact in their account before the actual rollover distribution will be processed.
  1. Select the Recordkeeper Sends Hardcopy Mailing checkbox if you intend to send the hardcopy mailing notifications to the identified candidates. Leave this unchecked if the rollover provider will be performing the mailing on your behalf.

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