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User Support

Salary Determination FAQ

Last updated on May 13, 2022

How does iJoin determine the salary to use in the Projected Retirement Income calculations?

iJoin attempts to pull salary (compensation) related information directly from Relius. This is in addition to the participant having the ability to update their salary once inside the iJoin experience.

The hierarchy for the Relius data is as follows:

1.  The process first attempts to pull Census Annual Salary for current plan year (see ‘1stin the Relius screen shot below).

2.  If not available, then an attempt is made to pull Computed annual compensation (as computed when you run eligibility transactions) for current plan year (see ‘2nd’ in the Relius screen shot below).

3.  If no data is available for the current plan year, then iJoin will look at the prior plan year. The same hierarchy as defined above is followed for the prior plan year.

  • If a salary value greater than $0.00 is available, then iJoin will perform the required calculations and present the full Dashboard tile experience.

  • If no salary (compensation) amount is found, iJoin will default the salary to $0.00 and the participant will not have the full Dashboard tile experience.

Appendix: Relius Screen Shots

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