Plan Syncs and Participant Syncs keep your iJoin data up-to-date with the recordkeeper, such as Relius.
The recordkeeper sends iJoin Plan and Participant information during a Plan or Participant Sync. Plan data usually includes changes to fund line ups, contacts or other changes made in the Plan Specifications. Participant data includes changes to balances and census information.
Note: iJoin does not update the recordkeeping system except for Enrollment site Participant-directed activities.
Plan and Participant syncs can be run manually or setup to run automatically. The Plan and Participant Sync results and their statuses are viewed in the Activity Monitor. When a Scheduled Task is created for Plan and Participant Sync, the schedules can be adjusted in Task Scheduling.
Plan Sync
The purpose of a Plan Sync is to bring recordkeeping Plan information to iJoin.
A Plan Sync runs automatically when a new Plan is added to iJoin. The Plan Sync can also be requested manually or setup as a Scheduled Task to run automatically on a frequency that works best for the Plan.
When Plan changes occur in the recordkeeping system, a Plan Sync must be initiated in iJoin to sync the changes.
When a fund / line up has changed in the recordkeeping system for an active Plan in iJoin, a Plan Sync will result in a ‘Successful with warnings’ status on Activity Monitor. The Plan changes will then be in a draft status on Plan Summary, (and on the Plan Details). These draft changes must be reviewed in the Plan Details / Investment Paths tab. Once reviewed, the draft Plan must be activated for the changes to be visible on the Enrollment site.
Note: It is recommended that a Scheduled Task for Plan Sync be setup to run automatically for all your Plans. See Set Up Task Scheduling for additional information on automating the Plan Sync.
Manual Plan Sync
A Plan Sync can be requested manually on an as needed basis in the Advisor Portal.
1. From the Plan Summary screen / Select the Plan / Specifications tab. The Last Sync: date and time is displayed. Click the Sync now link to initiate the sync pocess.
2. You can check the Activity Monitor for the Plan Sync status by clicking on the Activity tab.
3. The Activity Monitor will reflect the requested Plan Sync and the Plan Sync status.
3.1 If there are any errors, click on the error (hyperlink) in the Status column and read the description.
3.2 Resolve individual Plan Sync errors in the recordkeeping system then repeat Step 1 and 2 above. See Resolve Plan Validation Errors
4. If fund changes were made to the active Plan, Activity Monitor will reflect the Plan Sync request in a ‘Successful with warnings’ status. The Plan will then be in a draft status and need to be reviewed then activated on the Plan Details / Investment Paths tab for the changes to be available on the Enrollment site.
For more information on Draft Plan status see Create A Draft Plan
For more information on activating a Plan for Enrollment see Activate A Plan For Enrollment
For more information on Activity Monitor see Monitor Activity
For more information on Plan setup see Set Up Plan Details
Scheduled Plan Sync / Task Scheduling
It is highly recommended that a Scheduled Task for Plan Sync be setup to run at least monthly for all your Plans to keep Plan information current.
To setup the Scheduled Task for Plan Sync to run automatically, see Set Up Task Scheduling.
Participant Sync
When a Plan is being setup in iJoin, a Participant Sync must be initiated to bring over the Participant Census information from the Plan in the recordkeeping system. This manual step is covered in the Set Up Plan Details documentation. Participant Syncs can be setup as a Scheduled Task or they can be requested manually on an as needed basis.
Once the Plan is Active in iJoin and the Plan Participants are utilizing the Enrollment site, it is best to setup a daily Scheduled Task for a Participant Sync to ensure any data changes are reflected in iJoin. (e.g., investments, allocations, contribution rates, census information, etc.)
Manual Participant Sync
1. Select the Plan from Plan Summary then click the Participants tab
The Plan Summary Plan Participants screen is displayed.
2. Click the Actions drop down menu and select the available Sync option.
3. A message will display to confirm the request. Click the Sync Participants button.
3.1 You can check the Activity Monitor for the Participant Sync status by clicking on the Activity tab.
3.2 If there are any errors, click on the Error in the Status column and read the description.
3.3 Resolve individual Participant Sync errors in the recordkeeping system then repeat Step 2.
4. The Participant Sync completes and the Plan Participants are displayed on the Plan Summary Participant screen with the Synchronization status results.
For more information on Activity Monitor see Monitor Activity
Scheduled Participant Sync / Task Scheduling
It is highly recommended that a Scheduled Task for Participant Sync is setup to run daily for all your Plans. The daily task ensures the Participant balances and other census information is kept current for analytics purposes.
To setup the Scheduled Task for Participant Sync to run automatically, see Set Up Task Scheduling