The Settings / Plan Defaults tab contains the default settings to be used for new Plans.
1. Click the Plan Defaults tab. The Plan Defaults screen is displayed.
2. Select the Enrollment Experience Type to be used for the Plan(s). Options areiJoin Standard or LDI Managed Accounts for (MAP). For more information on Experience Type see What Is Enrollment Experience Type?
3. Select the Greeting Type to be used for the Plan(s). The options are Primary Advisor (singular or plural) or Generic. For more information on Greeting Type see What is Greeting Type?
4. Select the White Label to be used for the Plan(s). For more information on White Labels see Set Up White Labels
5. Turn On or Off the option Allow balance transfers to changed investment allocations on the Enrollment site. Note: This default can also be switched on or off for an individual Plan see Add New Plans.
6. Turn On or Off the option Provide Current Paycheck Estimator on the Enrollment site. For more information see Set Up Enrollment.
7. Turn On or Off the option Require Cell Phone Number Entry on the Enrollment site. When this field is toggled On, the Participant is required to enter a cell phone number. When this field is toggled Off, the Participant has the option to enter a cell phone number on the Enrollment site.
8. Turn On or Off the option Display Plan Op-Out on the Enrollment Site. If the toggle switch is on for the plan, the “I don’t want to enroll” opt-out button will be provided within the enrollment experience and if the user clicks on this button (and confirms their decision), a 0% deferral will be sent to Relius in all circumstances. If the toggle switch is not turned on for the plan, the user will not see the “I don’t want to enroll” option within the enrollment experience.
9. Turn On or Off the option Permits Edits of Existing Name Values. When this field is On, the entered name data is fed back to the recordkeeper.
10. Turn On or Off the option to Collect Beneficiary Information on the Enrollment Site. For more information see Set Up Enrollment.
11. Any updates made to the Plan Setup Defaults fields are auto saved.