Use the Activity Monitor to track the status of tasks such as Plan Syncs, Participant Syncs, Notifications and Managed Account Activity.
There is the ability to view several activity types and their statuses in Activity Monitor, including the following:
- Processed Notifications
- Plan Sync
- Participant Sync
- View the Activity Type drop down for a list of available activities to monitor.
The option to export the activity data to a CSV file and to reprocess Notifications is also available in the Activity Monitor.
Activity Monitor Error Count Indicator
If a task has resulted in an error, the Activity Monitor tab on the left side of the Advisor Portal will provide a count of the number of errors that have occurred since the last time an Admin user has viewed the Activity Monitor page.
Activity Monitor Tasks and Statuses
1. Navigate to the Advisor Portal, then select the Activity tab.
2. Upon the initial load of the Activity Monitor screen, all the activity from the past week is displayed in descending date and time order. The bottom of the Activity Monitor page displays how many items are shown out of the total number of items. Adjust the Items Per Page setting using the drop-down menu to select the number of activity items to display per page. The options are 10, 20 or 30. Scroll through the pages using the page forward / page back arrows.
3. Click the Refresh icon to see new activity or any new updates to the activity status.
4. The fields in the column headers serve as filtering mechanisms. Use the column header filter options to view activities older than one week.
- Activity Type
The task type. Use the drop-down column header filter to filter by distinct description. Each task type has a hyperlink that when clicked displays a txt file version of the task value for the current record. - Plan
The name of the plan associated with the task. Use the drop-down column header filter to filter by selecting the Plan or by performing a type ahead search. - Participant
The name of the participant associated with the task. If the task is not participant-specific, the field displays “n/a”. Use the drop-down column header filter to filter by selecting a Participant or by performing a type ahead search. - Status
The task status. Each status is color coded and includes a hyperlink that when clicked displays a txt file version of the status for the current record. Color coding for each status is as follows:- Error = Red
- Successful = Green
- Warnings = Yellow
- All other statuses = Blue
- Queued
The task queued date / time. Use the date range filter option in the column header to filter for specific dates or leave blank for all queued dates. - Processing Start
The task start date / time. Use the date range filter option in the column header to filter for specific dates or leave blank for all start dates. - Processing End
The task end date / time. Use the date range filter option in the column header to filter for specific dates or leave blank for all end dates.
5. Any tasks in an Error and or Warnings status need to be verified and resolved.
6. To export the task / activity data to a CSV file, filter the report criteria, (if desired) then click the Export icon.
Notifications Statuses
When Notifications are sent, the status details can be viewed in Activity Monitor. For Notification purposes, Plan Contacts in iJoin are located in the Plan Details / Contacts tab. Note: The Primary Advisor is changed within iJoin in the Plan Settings / Profile tab.
Note: Notification recipients without email addresses in iJoin will result in an error status and will not be sent. To resolve, see Reprocess Notifications below.
1. Successful status – Notification has been sent successfully.
2. Error status – Notification has not been sent.
When a Notification is in an error status, most times the email address(es) for the intended Plan recipient(s) needs to be added or updated in the recordkeeping system, such as Relius, in the Contact Management System being utilized.
iJoin collects email information from recordkeeping system for the Primary Plan Administrator, Primary Employer / Sponsor, and the Primary Plan Contact.
2.1. To make corrections and reprocess a Notification in an error status see Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius, then see Reprocess Notifications below.
2.2. Only the Plan Advisor email address can be changed in iJoin.
Note: A Plan Advisor Notification in a successful status cannot be reprocessed to a new email address.
2.2.1. Use the Settings / Profile tab to update the Plan Advisor email address using the Contact Email field.
2.2.2. All future Notifications will be sent to the updated Plan Advisor email address if selected as a recipient on the Notification setup.
For more information on updating Plan Settings see Set Up Plan Settings
For more information on Notifications see Set Up Notifications and Notifications FAQs
Reprocess Notifications
Email recipients may request a Notification to be resent to the same email address if they did not receive the original.
1. Select /highlight the Notification to be reprocessed, (without any changes / or once changes have been made (see steps B1-B3 below)) on the Activity Monitor screen.
2. Click the Reprocess button.
3. Click the Refresh button to see the updated Notification status.
An Error status Notification can be reprocessed once the contact email information is changed in the recordkeeping using the Contact Management System.
1. Update the recordkeeping system with the email address(es), marked as Primary and save the changes to the contact / employer /Plan.
1.1 For information on setting up Relius Plan contacts see Set Up Plan Contacts in Relius
2. Process a manual Plan Sync in iJoin to send the recordkeeping system contact update(s).
For more information on Plan Sync see Process Plan and Participant Syncs.
3. Verify the Plan Sync request resulted in a Successful status in the Activity Monitor screen.
4. All future Notifications will be sent to the updated email address information as designated in the Notifications email recipients.
4.1. If you would like to reprocess a Notification in an error status and you have completed steps B1 – B3, see steps A1 – A3. above.
For more information on Notifications see Set Up Notifications
Managed Account Task Statuses in Activity Monitor (MAP)
When the LDI Managed Account is selected on a Plan, two automated Scheduled Tasks are created. The Schedule of these tasks can be updated in Task Scheduling. Click the status hyperlinks in the Status column in the Activity Monitor tab to view the task details.
1. Managed Account Reallocation – The automated Scheduled Task will run daily to check and report a status of which Participants have reached their opt-out deadline.
The Task / Activity Type status on Activity Monitor will display which Participants have reached the Opt-Out deadline or a message will display if there were no Participants since the last scheduled task ran.
Example: “No additional participants have reached their opt-out deadline in the managed account program since the last check was performed.”
2. Managed Account Auto Enrollment – The automated Scheduled Task will run each day to check and report a status of total count and which Participants that were Auto Enrolled into the Managed Account Program. (See next section for Managed Accounts Participant Activity / Status.)
The Task / Activity Type status on Activity Monitor will display the number for Total Auto Enrolled Participants and the Participant information. A message will display if there are no Participants Auto Enrolled since the last scheduled task ran.
Example: “TotalAutoEnrolled”: 0, “ParticipantsEnrolled”: []
For more information on LDI Managed Account Task Scheduling see Set Up Task Scheduling
Managed Accounts Participant Activity / Status
When the LDI Managed Account is activated on a Plan, the Managed Accounts tab becomes available on the Activity Monitor.
1. Select Activity from the left task bar on the Advisor Portal
2. Click the Managed Accounts tab.
3. A list of Participants / Plan are displayed with the status of the MAP Enrollment. This information is to track all of the Participants that were identified as having a balance or allocation in the plan and their status with regards to the MAP offering (opted-out, voluntarily opted-in, etc.)
3.1 Statuses for Managed Accounts are: Assigned, Eligible, Voluntary opted in, Voluntary opted out and Defaulted.
4. The Managed Account tab provides the dates related to each of the MAP statuses. The dates reflect activity dates, reallocation dates and the opt out deadline date.
For more information on Enrollment Experience Type see What is “Enrollment Experience Type?”
For more information on Investment Path Options see Set Up Investment Paths
For more information on LDI Managed Account see Set Up LDI Managed Account Funds & What is the Managed Account Program (MAP)?