How to generate a plan health report. Be advised that a plan health report can only be generated for plans enabled with an ACT license.
Once you log in to the iJoin ACT portal, go to the left hand side navigation of the screen and select the reporting tab.
Click create new report and select plan health report from the report type drop down.
Name the report to your preference.
Select the plans you wish to include and click save.
Determine if the report should be private or public within the portal. Private reports restrict access to only the user generating it while public reports allow users with access to the portal visibility into report details.
Determine the content to be displayed with the slide toggle options.
Click the create report button. The report has now been queued for generation.
Then navigate to the activity monitoring section of the portal on the left hand side. Once the report task shows as successful in this section, you may return to the reporting screen to download the new report.