iJoin now provides a mechanism by which plan participants can opt-out of the electronic delivery of required notices in accordance with new regulations. New system enhancements also provide the infrastructure necessary to track the participant level election details so the campaigns that are sent via iJoin’s email campaign functionality automatically honor these settings and exclude those who have opted out of electronic notice delivery.
Follow the instructions below to configure your Relius web experience such that participants can be made aware of their electronic delivery options and be seamlessly brought to the iJoin hosted page where their e-notification election can be made.
Configuring Relius Web Via Custom Text
The following instructions will allow you to present a custom message on the Participant Dashboard with a button that will redirect the user to an iJoin hosted page via SSO.
- Within Relius Administration, go to Utilities > VRU/Web Administration > Web Customization > Text/Language
- Select the appropriate Relius site
- Use File > Open to open the Plan or Plan Group you wish to modify.
- Navigate to the ‘Common’ node under the Web Custom Text menu option.
- Select the IJOINBTNCREATEMYSTRATEGY element and change the “Create My Strategy” default text to something more generic or applicable such as “View My Options”.
- Select the IJOINPOPUPMSG3 element and change the default text to something more generic such as “You are leaving this site to enter our trusted partner site iJoin so you can make more insightful decisions as it relates to your retirement plan.”
- IMPORTANT NOTE: The text you apply for this element will also be displayed within the pop-up message that new enrollees or existing participants who are accessing iJoin via other launch points within Relius web will see, so you’ll want to be sure the message is generic enough to apply to all iJoin SSO scenarios.
- Navigate to the ‘Participant Dashboard’ element under the Web Custom Text menu option.
- Select the IJOINSUMMARYLINK element and change the default value to ‘/eNoticeOptOut’ (this value is case sensitive, so copy and paste is recommended).
- Select the IJOINSUMMARYOPT element and make sure this value is set to Y.
- Select the IJOINSUMMARYTXT element and change the default text to the desired message you want to display on the participant dashboard. In this example, we’ll use the following basic language: “New regulations require you to make an election as it relates to the delivery of required notices. Click the button to review your options.”
Following the instructions above should result in a participant experience that looks as follows:
iJoin Tracking & Email Campaigns
iJoin has a tracking system that stores participant elections with regards to electronic notice delivery and then honors these settings when you send campaigns that are sent through the iJoin ACT feature.
You can track participant e-notice election activity via a log from within the iJoin admin portal under the Activities menu. All the contents of the log can be exported to a spreadsheet file, if desired.
Email Campaigns:
Plans that are enabled for the ACT add-on feature are eligible to have email campaigns sent on their behalf via iJoin. iJoin provides a way to attach pdf files to these email campaign messages as well as a mechanism to flag certain campaigns as being associated with a required notice.
There is also a canned targeting topic intended to broadly identify all participants within a plan that are eligible to receive required notices electronically. The canned criteria that is applied in this scenario is as follows:
- Balance > $0 OR
- Employee Contribution > 0 OR
- Met Eligibility Date prior to Plan Year End Date AND EmploymentStatus = Active OR
- (Projected Eligibility prior to Plan Year End date AND EmploymentStatus = Active) AND Opted out of required notice e-notification is FALSE