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User Support

Create A Draft Plan

Last updated on January 05, 2022

Making Changes to the Active Plan.

The Active Plan needs to be in a draft status to make certain changes to Experience Setup and to the Investment Paths on Plan Details. The draft Plan will enable edits to the Plan while still keeping the current version of the Plan in an Active status for Enrollments, if applicable. 

Note: The edits made within the draft version of the Plan will not be applied and/or visible on the Participant Enrollment site until you click the activation button.

Create the Draft Plan

1. Select the Plan from the Plan Summary screen and click on the tab within Plan Details you would like to change (Experience Setup or Investment Paths).

2. Click the Create Draft button

3. A message will display regarding the request to change the Active Plan to Draft status. Read the message then click  OK.

4. The Plan Summary screen now reflects the Active Plan and the draft version which is pending changes and Activation.

5. Edits are now enabled to make changes to the draft version of the Plan for Enrollment Setup and Investment Paths.

Leave in Draft Status

If you are not ready to activate the Plan / Changes just yet, you can leave the Plan changes in draft status.

The Activation tab will reflect the Active Plan and the Draft Plan status.

1. Do not click the Activation tab or related Activation steps

1.1 For a New Plan, the Plan will remain in a draft status on the Plan Summary screen and will not be available or visible on the Enrollment site.

1.2 For an existing Plan, the Plan Summary screen will reflect the Active Plan and the draft status. The Active Plan will remain in place and available on the Enrollment site. Any changes or edits made to the draft version of the Plan will not be available or visible on the Participant Enrollment site until it is Activated.

When you are ready to change the Plan to an Active status, click Setup and click the Activation tab. Select Activate Latest Changes, as displayed above.

Note: If you need to delete a Draft after it is created because you no longer wish to activate the changes you made, you will need to send in a support ticket requesting that the iJoin team delete the draft. Please include External Plan ID and Plan name in the request.

For more information on Plan Settings see Set Up Plan Settings

For more information on Enrollment Setup see Set Up Enrollment

For more information on Investment Paths see Set Up Investment Paths

For more information on Notifications see Set Up Notifications

For more information on Activating a Plan for Enrollment see Activate A Plan For Enrollment

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