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Configure Relius Web to launch user into full iJoin Enrollment experience

Last updated on May 25, 2023

In Relius You can turn on a custom text widget that appears at the top of the dashboard page. This Widget has a button that will launch the user into the full enrollment experience, Including the beneficiary election page.

Configuring Relius Web via Custom Text

  1. Within Relius Administration, go to Utilities > VRU/Web Administration > Web Customization >Text/Language

  2. If Prompted select the appropriate Relius Site
  3. Use File > Open
    1. Open the Plan Group you wish to Modify

  4. Navigate to the Participant Dashboard element under the Web Custom Text Menu option
    1. Select the IJOINSUMMARYLINK element and leave the default value as-is
      1. Confirm it is set to /planSelect

    2. Select the IJOINSUMMARYOPT element and make sure this value is set to Y

    3. Select the IJOINSUMMARYTXT element and change the default text to the desired message you want to display on the participant dashboard.

  5. When complete you can confirm widget is showing correctly

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