


ijoin Success Hub



User Support


Set Up Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process by making it harder for attackers to gain access to a person’s devices or online accounts because knowing the victim’s password alone is not enough to pass the authentication check.

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December 2021

Release Highlights - December 2021 iJoin has been updated with the following changes: MAP Auto Allocation  - This new feature allows you to setup a...

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April 2021

iJoin has been updated with the following changes: iJoin ACT Participation Metric – Based on user feedback, we have adjusted the Active Participation metric on the iJoin ACT analytics platform so that…

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January 2021

Release Highlights - January 2021 iJoin has been updated with the following changes: Significant Participant Sync Enhancements - We have made...

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Create A Draft Plan

The Active Plan needs to be in a draft status to make certain changes to Experience Setup and to the Investment Paths on Plan Details. The draft Plan will enable edits to the Plan while still keeping the current version of the Plan in an Active status for Enrollments, if applicable.

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Batch Update

There will be times when you need to update settings across all or a subset of Plans or Users. This can be accomplished through the Batch Update utility within the Advisor Portal.

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What Is Enrollment Experience Type?

The Enrollment Experience Type selection determines the Investment Paths Options available to the Plan and to the Participants on the Enrollment site. This field setting is used as a default for all new Plans being added to iJoin. This setting can also be changed on a Plan level.

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Funds FAQs

How does iJoin determine expected rate of return for investments in the projected balance calculations? For all investments iJoin uses the BlackRock...

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What does RTQ mean? Risk Tolerance Questionnaire Where do I create an RTQ? The RTQ questions and answers with point values are established in...

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Disclosures FAQs

Can I modify the End User Agreement? Can I modify the Final Disclosures? Where do I Add Additional Disclosures? Where can I see the current Additional Disclosures?

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Settings FAQs

Can I customize the enrollment experience? Where? Can I change my settings on the Dashboard? Where do I modify Active Plan(s) settings? Where do I modify logo or Advisor photo? Are you able to accommodate Model Portfolios?

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What is “Greeting Type?”

The Presentation Type selection determines which Plan Contact information is displayed on the Participant Enrollment site for the Enrollment Greetings page, the Completed Enrollment page also on the Participant Enrollment Confirmation report.

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Notifications FAQs

Where can I view the status of my sent Notifications? Where can I reprocess Notifications? How do I setup Sponsor and Payroll Notifications? Where can I see the Email Addresses for my Plan in Join? How do I add / change Plan contacts in iJoin / Relius for Notifications?

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Enrollment FAQs

Can I remove the Advisor photo and replace it with our company logo? Can I modify wording throughout the app? Can I customize the Enrollment experience? Where do I customize the look of my Enrollment site? Where do I enable my Plan for Enrollments? What’s in the End User License Agreement on the Enrollment site? Where can I view the existing iJoin Enrollment video?

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