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Activate A Plan For Enrollment

Last updated on March 26, 2023

Once all edits have been made to the Plan through Experience Setup, Investment Paths and Notifications, it is time to Activate the Plan to enable Enrollment.

For more information on Enrollment Setup see Set Up Enrollment

For more information on Investment Paths see Set Up Investment Paths

For more information on Notifications see Set Up Notifications

For more information on Plan Settings see Set Up Plan Settings

For more information on Plan Details see Set Up Plan Details

NOTE: Prior to activating a Plan in iJoin, the Plan must be setup in Relius and in iJoin. 

For more information on setting up the Plan in Relius, see Set Up Plan in Relius

For more information on setting up the Plan in iJoin, see Add New Plans

Activate New or Draft Plan

1. Select the Plan from Plan Summary then click the Activation tab.

2. When there is already an Active Plan on the Participant Enrollment site, the Activation Screen will display the Active Plan and the Draft Plan version with date and time stamps.

3. Click the Activate Latest Changes button to make the Draft Plan Active.

3.1 Note: If Notifications are not setup / enabled on the Plan, a warning message will appear. Read the message and click  OK, or click Cancel and go back to setup Notifications. You can still Add, Change or Edit Notifications while the Plan is Active.

4. The system will validate the Plan Activation request to ensure there are not any errors. If there are errors, the system will not activate the Plan until the errors are resolved. Once resolved, the Activation request must be processed again beginning with Step 1 of this document. For more information on Plan Activation errors see Resolve Plan Validation Errors

5. The latest Active Plan is shown on the Activation screen with the new date and time stamp.

Note: To deactivate the Plan from an active to an inactive status, click the deactivate button.

6. The Plan Summary screen now reflects the Active Plan and the Participant Enrollment site is active.

Note: If the Plan was deactivated / inactivated, the Plan Summary screen will reflect the Plan in an inactive status.

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