Release Highlights – December 2021
iJoin has been updated with the following changes:
- MAP Auto Allocation – This new feature allows you to setup a managed account program as the QDIA for a plan and then run a scheduled task to automatically place participants with no prior investment allocations into a managed portfolio prior to their first contribution.
- The process can be run on a scheduled frequency.
- The allocations for the participant will be automatically sent to Relius as part of the function.
- Visibility into the status of the processing is provided in the iJoin Activity Monitor.
- On-Demand Plan Sync Queue -Plan syncs for new or individual plans will now be processed through a dedicated plan sync queue to eliminate delays during times of heavy scheduled sync activity.
- Expected Returns Updated – Estimated return rate values have been updated to reflect the 10 year estimates published by BlackRock via their capital market assumptions in November 2021.
- Bug Fix – An update has been made to the goal projection engine so calculations can be produced when the participant’s current age exceeds their previously set retirement age. In these scenarios, the retirement age will automatically be increased to current age + 1 year.
- ACT Email Campaign Enhancements – Multiple enhancements have been made to the email campaign function, including:
- Performance enhancements that will allow for better handling of large attachments when campaigns have large numbers of participants.
- Campaign list refinements:
- Performance improvements for faster grid loading.
- Sort, filter and search options have been added.
- An export to csv function has been added.
- EXPLORE GoalPath Coaching Module – If you are working with GoalPath Solutions to provide Advisor coaching/fulfillment, you can now enable a GoalPath scheduling option within the Explore set of exercises/modules.
- Beneficiary Settings Enhancement – More flexibility has been provided for plan setup defaults, batch updates and individual plan setups regarding beneficiary settings inside the iJoin experience.
- Social Security Amount Override – An ‘Advanced Settings’ option has been added to the participant experience that allows the user to override iJoin’s social security estimate. The override value is retained for future projections for the participant in both Relius and iJoin.
- User Plan Association Sort Order – Within user setup, existing plan associations are now sorted at the top of the plan selection list by default.
For more information, please contact iJoin Sales at [email protected].