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User Support

2021.3 – October & November Release Notes

Last updated on January 11, 2022

Release Highlights – October & November 2021

iJoin has been updated with the following changes:

  • Opt-In MAP  – You now have the ability to enable a “Manage It For Me” option as part of a plan’s investment paths. This new feature allows you to offer a managed account solution as a pure opt-in investment option that is driven by the methodology of your choosing.
  • LeafHouse Financial Managed Accounts – We have partnered with LeafHouse Financial to offer a new managed account solution within the iJoin experience.
    • This is an AMA (Advisor Managed Account) solution that is easily configurable and uses the plan’s fund lineup to construct a portfolio that is specific to a participant’s unique circumstances.
  • Fingage Managed Accounts – We have partnered with Fingage to offer a new managed account solution within the iJoin experience.
    • This is an AMA (Advisor Managed Account) solution that is easily configurable and uses the plan’s fund lineup to construct a portfolio that is specific to a participant’s unique circumstances.
  • E-Notification Features – iJoin now provides a mechanism by which plan participants can opt-out of the electronic delivery of required notices in accordance with new regulations. New system enhancements also provide the infrastructure necessary to track the participant level election details so the campaigns that are sent via iJoin’s email campaign functionality automatically honor these settings and exclude those who have opted out of electronic notice delivery.
  • EXPLORE Estate Planning Module  – This new module provides an exercise that allows participants to gain an understanding of the estate plan documents they should consider for their specific circumstances.
    • We are proud to have partnered with Estate Plan Navigator as a call-to-action option at the end of this module. When enabled, participants can purchase high-quality estate plan documents at an affordable cost, all online in a matter of minutes.
  • EXPLORE Debt Consolidation Module -This new module provides an exercise that allows participants to gain an understanding of how they can best consolidate their current debt balances.
    • We are proud to have partnered with SunTrust LightStream as a call-to-action option at the end of this module. When enabled, participants can explore debt consolidation loan options as offered through the LightStream site.
  • EXPLORE Social Security Optimizer Module -This new module provides an exercise that allows participants to model different scenarios related to their social security withdrawals so they have a better understanding of how to optimize their benefit.
  • PRP Report Updates -We have enhanced the footer section of our Personal Retirement Picture report to allow for the configuration of a logo and hyperlink to your participant portal to further emphasize your brand within the client communication.
  • Data Export Enhancements -Improvements and fixes have been made to the Relius data export function to further solidify the timing of scheduled exports.
  • Bug Fix: Terminated Rate Changes -This fix reverts an issue that was allowing terminated participants to change their deferral rate within the iJoin experience.
  • Payroll Frequency Lookup Refinements -The process by which payroll schedules are pulled from Relius has been refined to ensure better handling of participant-level pay frequency.


For more information, please contact iJoin Sales at [email protected].

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