


ijoin Success Hub



User Support

2021.1 – January Release Notes

Last updated on January 11, 2022

Release Highlights – January 2021

iJoin has been updated with the following changes:

  • Significant Participant Sync Enhancements – We have made several improvements to the Relius participant sync process, which include:
    • The Lite and Full Participant Sync options have been consolidated into a single participant sync option that will logically determine if a full or limited sync is required for each individual participant encountered within a plan.
    • The sync process itself has been streamlined to require less calls to the Relius web service resulting in faster processing times.
    • NOTE: There is no setup required to begin utilizing the enhanced sync processes. Any pre-existing Lite or Full Participant syncs will automatically execute at their next scheduled datetime using the enhanced process.
  • Relius Payroll Frequency Logic Update – The logic used to determine payroll frequency has been enhanced to ensure that in scenarios where no User Payroll records exist for the participant in Relius, the appropriate plan level pay frequency is used.
  • Prohibited Rate Change Language – The disclaimer that is displayed to participants in a prohibited online rate change scenario has been updated with more descriptive language per client requests.
  • Auto Enroll Enhancements – The iJoin experience has been updated to ensure that for auto enroll plans, when a user submits a deferral rate that is equal to the automatic deferral rate, a deferral rate record is inserted to Relius census for the participant-directed contribution amount.

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